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    Buff Orpingtons

    I bought some Buff Orpingtons & Leghorns at the same time. My Leghorns have been laying for about a month but my Buffs haven't laid anything yet. Anyone have this experience?

    white leghorns

    Do all white leghorns lay white eggs?

    rooster quit crowing

    I have a 3 year old RIR rooster who just quit crowing. It has been about 3 or 4 days now. Can anyone tell my why a rooster would just stop crowing? He seems healthy other wise, takes care of his girls and seems nornal in every other way.

    hard boiled eggs

    I am sure this has been discussed before, but are there any secrets to taking shells off fresh eggs when hard boiled. Thanks in advance

    Wing clipping

    Can you clip a duck's wings the same as you would a chicken? I have one that insists on getting out of the run every morning. After we catch her and put her back in she is content for the rest of the day. At first she got under the fence but now is flying over. Any other suggestions are...

    Anybody use water nipples for ducks?

    I just got some for my chickens and I also have two ducks in the same coop and run. Just wondering how they adapt to them and if they will use them.

    rough eggs

    I have an EE that lays an egg that has a rough testure and the shell is very thin. She gets the same diet as the others. She is also about 8 months old. Will she grow out of it? Or do some just seem to have this problem?

    Bareback chickens

    About 5 out of my 7 chickens have a bare back. From the tail up about 2 inches. Some also have a bare butt. Any ideas? They have been like this for a while, I thought after making a bigger run if they were pecking at one another they would quit but things don't seem any better.

    Space question

    I currently have 12 chickens and 2 ducks. My coop is 4 x 14 and my run is about 300 ft. of fence that is pretty much in a circle. A friend would like to get rid of 6 chickens and 4 ducks. Can I get away with the small coop when the run is much bigger than necessary?

    chicks & ducklings together

    I have 6 EE's that are supposed to be here this week. My wife picked up two ducklings on Wednesday and I was planning to raise them in the same brooder. My question is this, What about feed? I heard that ducklings should not have a medicated feed. Is this true and if so what feed can I used...


    Last November I had a problem with my chickens pecking at one another. To the point of death. I thought then that I had too many for the space available, so I butchered a few. Everything was fine until last week. My wife went out to collect eggs and found blood, an hour later one was dead...


    I have been told that you can feed too much grit. Do you feed them as much as they want or give only so much at a time?

    plastic buckets

    For those of you who use plastic buckets for nesting boxes - How much of the lid do you use in the front? If I remember correctly someone said to use half. When I made them I thought that half was too much so I used about a third. Everything is fine except that they kick out alot of sawdust...

    So far so good

    Last weekend I had to remove a roo and a hen because the others were picking on them. Well last night my DW and I put them back in with the others. I tried three things that were suggested. 1. I put them in at night while the rest were on the roost and inactive. 2. I also had someone that I...


    I have read from many about soemthing to use called Blu-kote. All I could find at the local feed mills was Wound-kote. Is this the same thing? When I sprayed it on my chickens it is blue.

    New problem

    I don't remember of reading anything like this before on the board but today I had to take two hens out of the coop because the others were pecking at them. They had open wounds right behind their wings. Anyone know what would cause this or what to do to remedy the problem. I was told that...

    Need some advice

    Two of our White rock roosters recently began to fight. This morning one of them was bleeding and didn't want to get up. My question is do I go ahead and butcher him or is there a chance of him recovering?

    Put the fear in them

    My wife and I have been waiting patiently (almost) for our first egg. Yesterday I decided to butcher a few of the roosters and after I was finished I went to the coop and what did I find? Our first egg. Sure made a good laugh for the day. We enjoyed fresh chicken breast for supper and shared...

    Muddy run

    The run for my chickens was fine until receiving a lot of rain over the weekend. Now it is waterholes and mud. Any suggestions? I do have some wood chips from one of the local tree services that I planned on using for mulch next year. Before I use them I thought I would ask for suggestions...

    Wood shavings in nesting boxes

    Can you use wood shavings in your nesting boxes or do you have to have hay? I don't have a good place to store hay very well but have plenty of wood shavings.
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