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  1. PeeperKeeper

    Hatching Wintertime Chicks

    I would like to hear from anyone in the Ohio River Valley Area that has hatched chicks in mid-winter. Where did you get hatching eggs...or were they from your own stock? How did you house them? How was your experience and outcome? Thanks for any advice.
  2. PeeperKeeper

    Rooster/Hen ratio in hatch HELP!

    I tried the old wives tale method of choosing rounder eggs for hatch last year....It did not work. I had 96% hatch rate but 60% roo to 40% hen hatch outcome. And that was after waiting 2 wks after the roos were penned away from the hens before I started collecting eggs for hatching. I know...
  3. PeeperKeeper

    Location, Location.

    I proudly announce I'm from KY. Listed just under my avatar and username. I notice a lot of members don't indicate their location. Why is this? I gotta know. Sometimes, when a member is having a problem with their flock, it could be climate oriented. I also am curious as to who is hatching...
  4. PeeperKeeper

    Suet blocks...Do you feed to your flock?

    I've toyed with the idea of making suet blocks for the wild birds but was wondering if it OK to feed suet to chickens and how often. Is the extra fat and carbohydrates a good thing to help them create body heat for this winter?
  5. PeeperKeeper

    d'uccle mille fleur roo needed

    Would like to find 2 booted red mille fleur roos in or around northern Kentucky. Just let me know what you have and a price. Thanks, Jean
  6. PeeperKeeper

    Americanna crosses?

    I bought hatching eggs from breeder off of ebay. Two chicks look like BR feathering. One has the bearding, rose comb and flowing tail feathers,no spurs. Another with short rounded feathering and one heck of a comb and wattles. A 3rd with spurs and looks like what I'd expect an Americanna to...
  7. PeeperKeeper

    A True Bedtime Story... Tragedy, Hope and Love and a Happy Ending!

    Once there was a little Sebright hen named Scarlet. She was a very prolific and smart little hen that made her nest up on the planting table on her master's back porch. That is where the guard dog slept at night so she knew she'd always be safe. Within weeks, she had 9 + 1, thanks to Blondie...
  8. PeeperKeeper

    "Get A Long Lil' Chickie?"

    Now don't go siccing the PETA bunch on me, but we've found a wonderful way to "herd" our new flock members into the coop at night. We found these large spray bottles at TSC, filled them with water and "SQUIRT!" it at the young'uns to get them to go where we want or don't want them to go. I had...
  9. PeeperKeeper

    How soon will all those styrofoam incubators end up in yard sales?

    I truly can't believe what an incubator cost to buy if it's a brand name. I have an acquaintance that allows me to incubate eggs in her very large cabinet incubator, and believe me when I say I am grateful, I mean it,... BUT I wish I could just have one at home to incubate chickies myself and...
  10. PeeperKeeper

    Aggressive RIR cross mutts

    Does anyone know if RIRs are more aggressive as chicks? And possibly crossbreds as well showing signs of aggressiveness? I have 90 mutts whose sire was a RIR. The mothers were EE, BR, Columbian, Brahman, Turken, Buff Rock and BOs. I would have thought that the BO crosses would have been the...
  11. PeeperKeeper

    Chicks eating each other....

    At one week of age, I started finding chicks with their tails being picked at and bloody. We realised we needed more room for the 90 little fur balls. We did find that there was one chick that seemed to always start the pecking. It would even turn up it's beak to starter feed in favor of some...
  12. PeeperKeeper

    Storing and Sorting Eggs

    I would like some suggestions on storing eggs before selling. Sometimes it will be a week before I can get them out to distribute. Also, do any of you sort your eggs and what measurement or weight guide do you classify sizes ?
  13. PeeperKeeper

    Coryza Vaccinations...Here We Go......

    Due to the coryza incident of last summer it will be neccessay to vaccinate all my new little chicks. My question: When vaccinating for coryza, does that make the chicken a possible carrier/shedder of the virus too?
  14. PeeperKeeper

    Staying alive!

    Not that anyone in particular would miss me, but... My computer crashed..., we had an ice storm. No power for 11 days..., my cow got mastitis, my doctor sent me to the hospital with a possible heart attack..., my husband ran over his dog (really bad)..., and I lost a hen. My power is back...
  15. PeeperKeeper

    If every one was as good as my Dad.

    My Dad passed away this morning. He was 91 years old. For the last 5 years he has done nothing more than miss my Mom after her passing. When I was little, I wanted to marry him. He looked like Roy Rogers. He was always my hero. He was a good man. A man whose name and reputation would open...
  16. PeeperKeeper

    I Wanta Do It TOO!!!! ( ranting)

    Chickabator just posted pics of their new chicks. Its addictive, inticing, tempting, yearning, and everything I should not be thinking about, BUT I want to start hatching little chickies too! I just got my girls last June and all I could think of then was, "When will they start laying?". Am I...
  17. PeeperKeeper

    I wish we had....

    Boy!... I wish we had a resident avian specialist here at BYC. One of the saddest index threads, next to "predators" is "emergencies, sickness, and cures". It breaks my heart to read about sick chickens and feel so helpless! I've tried to do searches for answers to my questions, and the nswers...
  18. PeeperKeeper

    Coughing and wheezing........UPDATE, NEED HELP!!!

    Well, we have one in the chicken hospital ward....again! This time it is a bantam buff leghorn with respiratory rattle and cough. I can't decide if it is laryngeal or bronchial infection or gape worms. I don't know if we get gape worms in KY. We had Coryza this past summer and I don't think...
  19. PeeperKeeper

    Mums the word in the chat room

    Have you ever gone to the chat room to see what's being discussed? It's like a big paranoia trip....everyone in there immediately stops chatting. They don't even acknowledge you if you post a comment! It's like walking into a room, turning on the light and watching the roaches scurry off to...
  20. PeeperKeeper

    EE hen...What can she pass on to chicks?

    I have ONE, Yes ONE, and only ONE EE hen. No EE roo's. I would like to know if there is a "chance" that any of her offspring might lay colored eggs. I have Roosters: RIR, Seabright, Dutch Bantum, and "possibly" a Partridge Cochin. And do rooster have more genetic influence on prodginy then hens?
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