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  1. SouthCoastguy


    We had a good time sprucing up the coop last weekend. The whole family spent the weekend picking out plants and shrubs to plant around the coop and had a lot of fun doing it lets just hope the plants survive some pics on this link...
  2. SouthCoastguy

    Back to work on my coop

    With the warmer weather upon us I started back to work on the coop I built last year, right now I picked up a delivery of soil and a bunch of little pavers so I can build some garden beds in front of the coop. You can see some pictures by scrolling through my blog...
  3. SouthCoastguy

    Hw do I get my new puppy to be calm around my hens?

    I have a new puppy, she is about 13 weeks old and I have had her for about 3 weeks. At first she was pretty good around my hens, but now she wants to chase her...any advise on how to get her accustomed to being around them so I can let them free range again...
  4. SouthCoastguy

    Can puppies and chickens play well together

    I introduced my 10 week old puppy to my 3 hens today and had no idea how things would go! My hens were definitely afraid and my puppy was curious, she watched them and when they ran so did she, right after them! I'm pretty sure she just wanted to play, but am going to make sure to watch them...
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