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  1. Daddas1Punkin

    Need some help with my dog.

    So, I'm moving 800 miles away and taking my dog with me. Problem is, she's a runner. She was a stray and was beaten I'm pretty sure, and she's scared of everything. Her home she's used to is in the city, and its filled with houses and people. Her new home is on a piece of land that's 23 acres...
  2. Daddas1Punkin

    I'm opening up.

    Warning now, this post is about to get deep... So, I disappeared off of BYC when my great-grandmother passed away June 24th 2013... I was sleeping 16+ hours a day, and was in a deep depression. I lost my whole world that day. That was a really hard time for me, but things got harder... I...
  3. Daddas1Punkin

    I'm back...

    Where do I start? I've been gone a long time. There's been a lot going on. I've changed a lot... I don't put up with any crap anymore. I've been working at a retirement home, which I loved the moment I started working there. Till now. I hate it. I'm currently looking for a new job. I'm more than...
  4. Daddas1Punkin

    I'm going to be totally random and totally honest.

    I think all girls (young and old) need to hear this. Guys are not made of stone, they are not all as tough as nails like they seem. They just want to let you know they care, and are there for you. And try to make you feel safe. They are just as sensitive as us women. They care about their...
  5. Daddas1Punkin

    Back from the ER...

    Remind me to wake up all the way before I try to go down the stairs in the dark next time.....
  6. Daddas1Punkin

    How I was woken up this morning... Lol

    So even though it's Veteran's Day, the construction workers two houses down decided that using a jackhammer at 7am was a good idea... They need to hurry up and Finnish their building already, I'm losing my patience with them. Anyway, I am also watching my cousin Kaylon 's puppy, and he decided...
  7. Daddas1Punkin

    Peaches D': <3 <3 <3 <3

    I hope I'm doing what's best for you. I hope you know how much I love you. How I grew up with you. Know I'm only doing this because I love you. It will be painful for me, but I know it's best for you. Hopefully I will see you again in heaven someday, I don't know. We will just have to wait and...
  8. Daddas1Punkin

    Dedicated to someone special <3

    Some of you may have heard me talk of my cousin Kay... Not very many people know who he really is though. He was a soldier in the Army right out of high school. When he was a teen, he was homeless off and on till he came to live with my parents for a time, (when I was a baby) then they kind of...
  9. Daddas1Punkin

    I think the babies are trying to kill me! <3

    Avery (6 months) and Peyton (1 1/2) I watch my two little beautiful nieces every morning now! I love my babies to pieces!!!!! Today I think they were trying to kill me though! Lol! The Avery pooped the second her mom left, then got it all over her outfit, then when I changed her she cried...
  10. Daddas1Punkin


    Just "Ugh.......!" Idk even what to do anymore.
  11. Daddas1Punkin


    Anyone into playing DayZ?
  12. Daddas1Punkin


    My cousin made us dinner tonight! It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! Yes, yes I am going to tease you guys! What kind of person would I be if I didn't?!?!
  13. Daddas1Punkin

    Get fit with me!

    As some of you know, my cousin Kaylon is going into corrections, so he needs to start running and eating better, so I'm going to train with him! We might start this evening when he gets home, idk yet, it's been REALLY hot! I'll post day by day progress, but first, who else is trying to get fit...
  14. Daddas1Punkin

    Scaring someone who "won't ever be scared".....

    My cousin ALWAYS scares me, even when he's not trying! ALL THE TIME!!! Every time I try to get him, he hears me, or something like my dogs gives it away... NOT TOMORROW... I am getting up waaaaaaay before him and going around the house to his trailer (he can't hear me if I go around the front...
  15. Daddas1Punkin

    My poor mom... : (

    She suddenly got sick yesterday. She's feeling really bad, she slept all day today (she's always doing something usually...) and her neck started hurting a couple of days ago, for NO REASON... I'm REALLY worried... I'm calling the Dr. if she isn't better by Monday. Her throat is hurting her...
  16. Daddas1Punkin

    Wanted to share.... <3 So sweet!

    I wrote this for my older cousin... He was shot in Dec. of 2012. (Not in the army, just wrong place at the wrong time... He's been out of the army for years) He almost died... I had only met him once when i was little, and didn't even remember him. I only met him in November of 2013 and he...
  17. Daddas1Punkin

    I am BEYOND angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:<

    This morning my dad woke up to my cousin's voice. He said he sounded angry. He was yelling at our neighbor. Our neighbor's stupid dog jumped the fence, into our back yard, over the chickens' fence, and killed 2 of our 7 chickens, and seriously injured. My cousin had to put the others out of...
  18. Daddas1Punkin

    Funnist thing a kid has ever said to you?

    Mine was probably when my best friends little sister (6) was in the car with us and we were going on a little day trip. I told my friend that I was about to throw up, but really hungry at the same time... Her eyes got HUGE and she's like "I know why!!!" "Ok, why?" i asked, "You're...
  19. Daddas1Punkin

    Need Ideas! Help please : )

    Well, as some of you know, this past year has been really hard for my family. It still is, but some aspects of it is better. My cousin came to live with us and he is such a blessing to us! Anyway, my parents do so much for me and Kaylon, and I'm going to have him help me make dinner for my...
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