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  • Users: Gloria
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  1. Gloria

    Help with Bourbon Red Turkey

    Hello, I have a Bourbon Red Turkey hen. She lost her tom so now all she has are the chickens and ducks for friends. I was thinking about maybe selling her. How much should I ask for her, does anyone know? She is just over a year old. Thanks for any help you can give me. Gloria
  2. Gloria

    How many days for a broody Bourbon Red turkey?

    I have a one year old (May2nd) Bourbon Red hen. She has been setting on eggs since April 24th and is down to 5 eggs from 15. Should I try to make her get up because they are not going to hatch or should I just leave her alone? May 22nd was her 28 days. Have I read that right, 28 days for a...
  3. Gloria

    Help with pecking roo

    My BO roo is about 3 yrs old and for some reason he keeps pecking on one of my hens head. It just seems to be the one hen, she is a one yr old BO. He chases her down and doesn't try to mate with her, just pecks her head bloody. This isn't normal right? I don't know what to do about it...
  4. Gloria

    Another turkey mating question

    I have a pair of Bourbon Reds. We decided not to have them for the holidays. So we can have babies next spring. I'm not sure if they are brother and sister or not. Does it matter? I was told you can't mate siblings when it comes to turkeys. Is this true or not? Thanks guys!
  5. Gloria

    Broody Pekin questions

    Okay, this waiting for new babies is driveing me nuts! I tell ya nuts! My Pekin has been on the nest since August 2nd and still no sign of any babies. She laid an egg on the 2nd and I noticed during the day that she was staying on that one little egg. So I stopped collecting them. She laid...
  6. Gloria

    Need help please with strawberry jam

    I'm making strawberry jam this morning and I'm out of stick butter. Does anyone know if I can use the soft spread in the bowl? Or do I have to run to the store? Thanks for your help!
  7. Gloria

    Has Baby Butt gone broody?

    I have a Buff Orp hen (Baby Butt) that likes to stay right up in a corner of the coop floor. She is doing very good at hiding behind a small piece of plywood I have leaned up against the wall. She has been there for 3 days now and I have only seen her come outside one time in those 3 days...
  8. Gloria

    Turkey babies ready to go out to the coop?

    I am a new turkey momma. I have 2 BR turkeys that are going to be 6 weeks old tomorrow. I need to find out if they can go out in the coop with the chickens yet? I will keep them in the large brooder for awhile so the big mean chickens can't hurt them. I also need to know if they still need the...
  9. Gloria

    How many duck eggs should I use? Help please!

    Hi, I am using duck eggs for baking for the first time. My recipe calls for 3 eggs. So should I use 3 duck eggs or just 2? Also the first one I cracked open was a double yolker. Should I count that as 2 or add another one? And hope it's not another double yolker! Thanks all for your help.
  10. Gloria

    2 week old Baby pics!

    This is my 2 week old White Leghorns! I just got them from Miss Jayne. I guess they were beat by the time we went the 5 miles back home. All 3 are sound asleep!Thanks again Miss Jayne!
  11. Gloria


    Hi everyone! I keep seeing free horses on Craigslist. And I was wondering what it cost's to raise a horse? Say by the month? Just for the basics? I would really love to get a horse, they are beautiful animals.
  12. Gloria

    I am looking to rehome 2 ducks in Michigan

    I have 2 ducks both are boys. They are 4 months old, white and very sweet. I got 4 ducks a few months ago and 3 turned out to be drakes. So I have got to rehome these boys as fast as possible. I will not ship them, but I will possibly meet someone in Michigan if your not too far away. If...
  13. Gloria

    How do you feed your ducks and what treats are good for a duck? UPDATE

    I have 4 ducks, 1 duck and 3 drakes! They live in the chicken coop until spring when I plan to separate them from the chickens. I was wondering how everyone else feeds there ducks that live with the chickens? I have a big feeder and I try to keep it full so the ducks can just eat from the top of...
  14. Gloria

    Does anyone know how to trade applesauce for the oil in a recipe?

    I have a cholesterol problem and need to figure out how to exchange applesauce for the oil in a recipe. Anyone know how to figure that one out? Is it 1 cup for 1 cup, or no? Help please!
  15. Gloria

    Another duck question?

    I have four 10 - 11 week old ducks, that think they have to sleep outside in the run. It's getting kind of cold out and I'm getting tired of having to go outside and make them go in for the night. Should I let them stay outside or keep making them go inside? Once I make them go in they seem to...
  16. Gloria

    Minolta Dimage Z10 camera help, please!

    Does anyone have a Minolta Dimage Z10? 3.2 mega pixels? I just got a used one from my son last Sunday and I can't for the life of me figure out how to focus the thing. I've been studying the manual and it's not helping me at all.
  17. Gloria

    Zucchini bread problem, Help Please!!

    I'm making zucchini bread and every time I do the middle of it sinks. Can anyone give me any ideas on why and how to fix it? Thanks for any help you can give me.
  18. Gloria

    Silly little BO hen?

    I have a 6 month old BO hen. She went in the coop the other day and layed her egg in her favorite nest then came back outside. As she came out she started picking up leaves off the ground and trying to throw them on her back. It was like she was trying to cover her tracks of something! Has...
  19. Gloria


    Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Miss Jayne. Happy Birthday to you.
  20. Gloria

    Can "Mr. Roo" actually do it?

    Hi everyone! I was just wondering if someone could tell me if my 4 month old "Mr. Roo" is actually capable of firtilizing (sp?) the hens eggs? My grandbabies are ready for some more little ones. This is the first time we've had a roo. So I don't know if he even can yet. All though he has...
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