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  1. AngryRooster

    Sick Rhode Island Red

    My Rhode Island Red seems extremely tired and has a swollen stomach. Her comb is also drooping to the side (it was once straight). She is also much skinnier than before. What can I do to make her better?
  2. AngryRooster

    Funny Americauna

    Just a video I found on youtube.
  3. AngryRooster

    What is this?

    I found this in my coop's nesting box. Can someone tell me what this is?
  4. AngryRooster


    Should runs be open to the elements by having chicken wire walls and roofs or should they be more like a shelter with solid roofs?
  5. AngryRooster


    Help please! My RIR (Rhode Island Red) is pecking my other hens and I tried the anti peck lotion that you buy at the store. it seemed to work for a while but now I don't know what to do as the lotion no linger works.
  6. AngryRooster


    I was just wondering, is it best to have wooden or chicken wire walls for a coop? My old one has chicken wire but I'm planning to improve because even though my hens get good ventilation, they often get wet in the rainy season.
  7. AngryRooster

    deformed eggs

    what do you do when one of you americaunas starts to lay deformed eggs with wrinkles on the egg?:ep
  8. AngryRooster


    my hens are free range but they never drink water outside so I have to set their water out for them. is this ok?i
  9. AngryRooster


    :cd i was wondering what type of chicken feed brand is the best for laying hens
  10. AngryRooster


    hi everyone. i just wanted to share with you how i handle my pecking. my hens peck each other a lot so what i use instead of some chicken feed anti peck lotion, is a hot sauce called siracha. siracha is sold anywhere @ any asian store. just apply to the 0 feather area and soon chickens will...
  11. AngryRooster


    hi everyone, i was wondering whether my new run should just have chicken wire as a roof to expose the chickens to different types of weather such as snow, rain, and wind, of should the chickens be protected from the environment?
  12. AngryRooster

    Hen or Rooster

    My hen is a Rhode Island Red. It crows in the morning and is being aggressive toward my other hens. Is the RIR a rooster or a hen?
  13. AngryRooster


    Are Rhode Island Reds mean by nature?
  14. AngryRooster

    Egg Without Shell

    What can i do if my hen is laying without a shell? She eats enough protien and oyster shells. Is there anything else they need to lay eggs with shells?
  15. AngryRooster

    Help Please!!!

    I have a hen that is constantly pecked on and excluded. What can I do to stop this from happening?
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