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  • Users: machoman
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  1. machoman

    Broody Hen Left Her Eggs To Steal Another's Newly Hatched Chicks - Her Eggs In Homemade Incubator -

    It's been broody hen city over here and as our flock size increases, we're on that learning curve where mistakes are made. Mama hen hatches out 7 chicks, she gets up and it's clear other hens have been laying eggs in her nest. I take 6 and slide them under another broody who's just started...
  2. machoman

    Rooster Injured By Dog - Not Sure If I Need To Cull

    We live in an area where people sometimes don't take personal responsibility for their dogs and our flock was attacked by two dogs this past Thursday. We lost four chickens ( one rooster, three hens ) and one rooster was injured. The rooster is about 9 months old, is a large fowl dark...
  3. machoman

    Hen Or Tom??

    My neighbor gave me this turkey, along with a Spanish Black Tom. He said this one ( photo attached ) is a Tom and will be two years old in April. A friend stopped by who's raised turkeys before and proclaimed this one a Hen. This is my neighbor's first time raising turkeys and he had 14, one...
  4. machoman

    Raleigh NC Area : Wanted TRUE Large Fowl Dark Cornish

    I'm looking for a large fowl dark cornish rooster. I have a hen that came from a hatchery and she is not to standard, is smaller. I'm looking for a heavy bodies bird who'll be a good breeder for meat birds. All of our birds are in a coop in the evening and free-range during the day. Please...
  5. machoman

    Anyone Know What The Egg Of Large Fowl Dark Cornish Looks Like?

    I have one hen, told she was LF, I suspected differently, sent the hatchery photos, and they said LF. She's been a good mother, but her eggs are small. I had a bantam cochin and hers are about the same size, slightly longer and thinner. She's been laying since April of this year. Here's a...
  6. machoman

    16 Weeks And Already Laying?

    I have three Production Red/Sex Link Cross Pullets who turned 16 weeks this past Monday. Is it too soon for them to be laying? I have two, two year old Production Red hens that don't lay everyday ( maybe one egg from each every two or three days ), but the past couple of days I've seen two eggs...
  7. machoman

    I Have No Idea? Rooster Mutt?

    Someone gave me this roo for food. :) He's not heavy and doesn't feel like a meat bird. My Production Red hen is pictured next to him and weighs more. The other is a large fowl dark cornish, less than a year old. He has feathers on his legs. He's not dinner anymore. He's a fantastic rooster...
  8. machoman

    When a Production Red Hen and a Black Star Sexlink Rooster Fall In Love?

    The gentlemen on purchased the roosters from called them "black stars" . They had little white splashes on their heads. Mom and dad hatched out 8 babies and I'm wondering what tell tale characteristics I should look for ( besides comb size ) to determine sex? Can I also count on the white...
  9. machoman

    Mama Hatched out 5 Chickens and Left The Other Eggs - I Don't Have An Incubator

    I'm in that awful learning curve that comes with homesteading. I have a hen that was sitting on several of her own eggs and several fertile eggs given to me by a farmer. She went broody 22 days ago. This morning there were five chicks in the coop and two dead chicks that had hatched, but didn't...
  10. machoman

    How Much To Feed Newborn Rabbits

    Hi Everyone, I have three surviving newborn rabbits, born yesterday. These are domestic rabbits, the doe killed all her other kits. I'm not sure how much to feed them. Online research says 2 cc's twice a day. The doe was a small bunny, a bit smaller than a mini rex and the buck was a...
  11. machoman

    Mama Rabbit Separating Her Babies

    Hi All, Mama bunny had 7 kits this past Saturday, so they're 4 days old today. She's separated them into two nests, 4 in on and three in the other. Any reason why? They seem to be okay. We had an unusually hot day yesterday and are expected to get more, could this be it? She put one of the...
  12. machoman

    Broody? First time for Me..Confused

    I have two RIR cross hens from Ideal. They lay their eggs on the floor in one little corner of the coop and I added 12 fertile eggs from a farmer, so we're up to about 18 eggs. One of the hens is spending more time than usual on the nest, but she does come out of the nest. Today she spent about...
  13. machoman

    Question About Large Fowl Dark Cornish

    I wish given two pullets and a cockerel. They're about 13 weeks old, but are very small. If they were eaten, they would be smaller than a small cornish game hen, I think. I have three sexlink roosters the same age and they're easily 2-3 times larger. My rooster is very small, but already showing...
  14. machoman

    Using Mama Duck to Hatch Fertile Chicken Eggs

    So, some dogs killed 17 of our chickens. BUT, I have a mama duck who's a good mommy ( even though she now only has one leg thanks to the dogs ) AND I found a clutch of 18 or so eggs my chicken girls were hiding from me. I know they're fertile, not sure if they're fresh, but I'm going to water...
  15. machoman

    Butchering Age For Muscovy Ducks

    I have an opportunity to purchase some Muscovy ducks, this springs hatchling's, so they're around 7-8 months old. Is this too old to enjoy a roasted duck? My last duck I processed was a bit younger, around 12 weeks old. I don't want to end up with tough birds. I paid $10.00 for the younger duck...
  16. machoman

    Can I Cook My Meat Bird Immediately After Processing?

    It'll take me about 15 minutes from star to finish to have it table ready. If rigor hasn't set in yet, am I good to toss it in the oven? My husband swears yes, he grew up in Mexico and fresh meat was common. I've had rigor set in about an hour to 1.5 hour after processing.
  17. machoman

    My Laying Hens Are Playing Mind Games With Me

    I have five hens that lay, 3 lay every day ( leghorns) and 2 lay every other day ( Wyandotte and Domique/Jersey Giant ). The leghorns were here first, the other two came later. They have a coop and are free range during the day. They keep moving their darn nest! It's driving me nuts. I've...
  18. machoman

    Question About Resting Meat and Times

    We processed our first cornish cross the other day and let it rest in the fridge for two days. The bird was 8 weeks old. We roasted it in the oven. It was tough as nails, like a rooster. I'm assuming 2 days isn't enough time. I've got another one in the fridge and it's been there for 3 days. I...
  19. machoman

    Anyone Raise Geese For Meat?

    I'm very curious about this. What do you raise, when do you cull? How do you cull? How much meat do you get? How does it taste? Right now we've got meat chickens, we'll be adding turkeys to the mix next spring, and maybe some ducks and geese.
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