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  • Users: maxxsmommy
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  1. maxxsmommy

    I have not been on here for a while

    Due to us having to give away all our ducks and chickens... The thing that would cheer me up about it is if you all post your duck and chicken pictures for me to look at..
  2. maxxsmommy

    well they are gone

    This morning was the day that all my chickens and ducks were given a second chance at a good life, thanks to a member on the forum. I miss them already. Wish I didnt have to give them away! My world is going to be lost without them. On a happier note, my female WH duck gave me a going away...
  3. maxxsmommy


    Do you ever feel like everything you try to do is for nothing?.... Like whenever things start going great, there is always something out there that is going to go wrong and make your life miserable? sorry just venting, Life for me and my family has made a complete 360 degree turn, and not for...
  4. maxxsmommy

    2SLW hens, 2PR hens, 1 BO roo and 2 WH drakes and 1 WH female duck

    We currently lost our home and I need to find my pets homes. If your interested please PM me. Pick up only. Lake city, MN area. They are free.
  5. maxxsmommy

    I just wanna cry

    We just found out yesterday that my husband is losing his job and that we are getting kicked out of our home, I now have to get rid of all my animals! I just started getting eggs from all my girls and now I need to find them homes. *tear* All I can say is life is very unfair!
  6. maxxsmommy

    help i dont know what to do *** UPDATED WITH PICS PLEASE TAKE A LOOK *

    My 21 week old PR named rose was acting really funny.. she was super pale in her face and wouldnt walk much, I thought maybe a possible egg bound issue.. Brought her in the house last night to see if i could get the egg out... (felt like an egg was stuck) but when i took my hands off of her i...
  7. maxxsmommy

    Just had to share this

    so i have been getting eggs regularly for about 2 weeks now from 2 of my girls.. I eat them, my kids eat them.. But the hubby wont because they are fertile due to my rooster so it grosses him out knowing there is rooster "soldiers" in the eggs.. haha I kinda was grossed out about eating them at...
  8. maxxsmommy

    Yes!!! Wahoo!!

    my first girl rose laid her first egg about 2 weeks ago... has been laying pretty much every days since.. went out this morning at about 8 am and there was rose's egg in the nest box... good girl. Just went out again to check on them (they free range all day). Counted them... (rose.. check...
  9. maxxsmommy

    2nd egg photo!!!!!!

    So 4 days ago i posted that i had gotten my first egg but it didn't have a shell .. well i walked out to let my animals out to free range and here rose is sitting in the box going super pale in the face and I thought YAY finally i get another egg after 4 days sat there waiting patiently and...
  10. maxxsmommy

    Looking to buy a Black copper maran

    Would love to have one roo and a few hens of this breed, I live in minnesota and cant spend a whole lot on them.. I would prefer to pick up them if any are avaiable here in minnesota, If Pick up is not an option i would pay shipping as long as it is not to much money
  11. maxxsmommy

    Duck eggs ?

    Im sure you all have been asked this question before, but I was wondering when i can expect my first duck egg... I have Welsh Harlequins .. My female has been letting my drake mate with her for well over 2 months now... but still no eggs. Yes they free range but i have been looking all over...
  12. maxxsmommy

    dont understand

    My production red hen laid her first egg 2 days ago, but she has not laid one yesterday or today so far... should i be worried? she acts fine, poop is normal nothing seems wrong with her.
  13. maxxsmommy

    Yay!!!! First Egg Just A Few Minutes Ago

    18 week old Production Red Hen named Rose just laid and egg! well what seems to be an egg... It has no shell, just a thick membrane and yolk... She has been acting so weird today, like she was sick so it scared me but come to find out it was just her making and egg!!!!!! Now with that being said...
  14. maxxsmommy

    Help Please

    1) What type of bird , age and weight. Production Red Pullet, 18 weeks, not sure about the weight 2) What is the behavior, exactly.She is usually the first girl to come running to see me, but she has been laying down pretty much all day, not even coming over for treats 3) How long has the bird...
  15. maxxsmommy

    Oh I hope

    So for the last few days, my Production Red pullet named Rose has been very very interested in the nesting boxes. Also she has always been the type of girl whom hated to be touched and didnt trust anyone, With that being said, today i stood outside just watching them and out of no where she flew...
  16. maxxsmommy

    is it almost time???

    I have 3 ducks 1 female and 2 males... (dont bother telling me that that is a bad ratio.. i already know this) but she is letting the "alpha" male mate with her constatntly! Its kinda cute she starts bobbing her head and he does it back at her and then grabs ahold of her and does his deed...
  17. maxxsmommy

    my cats!!

    This is Cedo!! This is Squeeks!! This is Cloe!! Squeeks and Cloe playing Squeeks
  18. maxxsmommy

    Just curious

    What would the offspring of a buff orpington rooster and a production red hen look like? and same with a buff orpington rooster and a silver laced wyandotte hen?
  19. maxxsmommy

    blood in poo!!

    ok so i was cleaning out the coop last night and there was a poo with blood in it... not a whole lot, and i checked out the poo chart and it does not look like the bloody poo on the chart, it is a normal poo with some blood in it.. Then this morning i went out and found another poo but with pink...
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