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  1. canesisters

    equipment for small scale processing

    Every fall I have 6 - 8 roos from the spring's hatches that I have to process. In the past, I've relied on a friend who also processes her birds. We work out a date, transport either mine or her birds to whoever's yard is going to be used and spend a Saturday doing as many as 20 birds. She...
  2. canesisters

    Can chicken and turkey eggs incubate together?

    A customer just offered me a couple of eggs from her turkeys. I automatically said 'Sure! I'd love to have some!" What was I thinking? I don't even have an incubator! She said she would try to drop them off in a couple of days. So I immediately got in contact with a friend who has an...
  3. canesisters

    The truth about ticks

    Hi all. I'm considering adding guineas to the 'chicken kids' for their famous tick eating ability. Question is - is it true? A few more questions: * Will they return to the coop to roost? Or will I just be feeding the wildlife in the woods until I'm out of guineas? * I should know this...
  4. canesisters

    A 'one after the other' question for dawg53

    (posted under predators & pests first, then copied here too - just in case) I 'dosed' the flock last night with ivermectin (used topically) for mites. As long as I'm out of the egg business for a while, it's about time to worm them again too. How soon can I give Valbazen behind a does of...
  5. canesisters

    'One after the other' question for dawg53

    I 'dosed' the flock last night with ivermectin (used topically) for mites. As long as I'm out of the egg business for a while, it's about time to worm them again too. How soon can I give Valbazen behind a does of ivermectin? Thanks
  6. canesisters

    I must have the meanest chickens ever

    I am NOT dogging anyone's coop/run here!!! Gonna say it again - I love to look at all the coops and runs and am constantly impressed with the craftsmanship, creativity and just plain ol' hard work that goes in to them and I would NEVER play the 'mine is better than yours' game. But I have a...
  7. canesisters

    Just wondering about egg colors....

    A couple of months ago one of my hens went broody. Out of 8 eggs, she managed to successfully hatch out 4 from my jersey giant/australorp hens. The roo was a black copper marans. So (because I'm bored) I was wondering this afternoon what color eggs MIGHT I expect from the 2 chicks that appear...
  8. canesisters

    smiles, text options, etc missing

    When I create a post, I no longer have any of the "add to the post" features or any of the text editing features (B, I, U) I would post a screen shot... but the insert a picture icon is missing.... *** Also, when I'm looking at a page - new posts, for example - I used to be able to hover over...
  9. canesisters

    Commercial Feeds - what do you like, and why?

    What brand of feed do you feed and why? I'm looking for recommendations of widely available feeds for a flock of grown chickens. I prefer to feed pellets but have been having a terrible time finding a reliable source of quality pelleted feed.. SO - I guess I'll have to go back to crumbles...
  10. canesisters

    2 EE mixes - any guess on male of female?

    First one is Lido. BLRW/EE. About 5weeks old. Next is Benzo. EE - also about 5 weeks old
  11. canesisters

    Candeling - any point now????

    My year old speckled sussex went broody on the 5th (16 days ago). She's sitting on 8 eggs from various hens in the coop. I know that I should've candled them a week ago, but never having done it I kept putting it off until I realized today that they should be hatching next weekend. At this...
  12. canesisters

    looking for an old picture - garden in a chicken run

    A while back (a year or more) I saw a post - I think it was about providing shade in a run - but someone had posted a picture of their solution. They had made tomato cage like things and planted something in the middle. It had smaller gauge wire down low to keep the chickens from reaching in...
  13. canesisters

    Flock Quarantining is HARD (new birds on yard)

    I got my first chicks a year ago and we made it through the STEEP learning curve pretty well. They're all grown up now and are a happy, healthy flock of 6 (5 hens, 1 roo). My intentions all along were to add a few chicks each year so that my flock would have a spread of ages over 3 or 4 years...
  14. canesisters

    feathered leg marans - do they moult leg scales??? or does he have scaley leg mites?????

    10 month old marans roo. His leg scales are not raised or rough looking at all - but it appears that there are a few missing within the feather line down his legs. Where the scales are 'missing', the skin where they were is red - almost raw looking. These aren't good pictures - it was dark...
  15. canesisters

    Barn paint

    Hey yall, I just called my local hardware/building supply store (like to keep it local whenever I can) and asked about 'barn paint'. They told me it runs around $34 a gallon. A GALLON!!!!!!! SO .... what did yall use to paint your coops. Everyone complains about the cost of hardware...
  16. canesisters

    encouraging crows???

    I may be way off here but I was wondering if there were ways to encourage crows to hang around. I have a large flock (gang, I think) of them that wander around over the 4 or 5 farms around me. When they are around, they give the hawks all kinds of grief - . I've never seen that they have any...
  17. canesisters


    In looking through many of the threads about pictures of our chickens, I've noticed something very familiar showing up in the background of LOTS of them.... So - who has a green turtle pool in your coop?!?!?! And why is it there??? Mine is a dust bath full of sawdust/shavings/DE.
  18. canesisters

    Black Oil Sunflower Seeds

    I keep hearing how wonderful Black Oil Sunflower seeds are for my girls - as a treat and to supplement during the colder times. So I thought that I should include a few in my garden this year. But, I can't seem to find any sunflower plant seeds called 'black oil'. SO - (1) Are 'black oil'...
  19. canesisters

    water warmer -not so good... TAKE TWO

    I was reluctant to purchase a heated waterer since I had a bucket that used to be in my horse's stall.. but wasn't comfortable sitting a 5 gallon bucket out there. It just seemed like a great place for a chicken to drown. So I took this: (mine is a good bit older but very similar) and...
  20. canesisters

    Can't do this again..... )o:

    I need some ideas! My Mom passed away early this year and she was always the driving force behind all of our family gatherings. We knew that Christmas was going to be tough but this was just ridiculous. Here's a brief 'family dynamics' for background. Dad hasn't learned a new joke since the...
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