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  1. The Red Rooster

    BYC 2013 Calendar!

    Sorry, just have to brag.. I LOVE the new Back Yard Chickens 2013 Calender! Boy was I just amazed at everyone's beautiful pictures. You guys all did a fantastic job! Does anyone else have the calender yet? (If you have the calender, my picture is in the very front)
  2. The Red Rooster

    Help! Pigeon Injury!

    My cat somehow bit my pigeons thigh through the bars of the cage. It's a very deep cut. I can see the bone in the cut. What can I do for it? Will it get infected? Need some advice asap. Thank you.
  3. The Red Rooster

    Galloping Rooster (VERY funny!)

    I got this youtube video from my email. I thought all my chicken loving friends would like to see it. This rooster is so funny! I couldn't stop laughing! Be sure to turn your speakers up. The music goes prefect with the video!
  4. The Red Rooster

    More info please on Blue laced gold wyandotte

    I saw a free add for a rooster in craigslist a couple days ago. I was in need of a good rooster, so I picked him up for free. The lady I got him from didn't know his breed. When I got him home I did some searching around to see if I could find what breed he was. I was guessing he was a cross...
  5. The Red Rooster

    Huge Smileys! Can you make one?

    Can anyone make smileys this big? All you need to do is insert the smiley and double click it until it brings up a little box. Then you can tinker with the height and width of your smiley. Lets see your gigantic smileys!
  6. The Red Rooster

    Buff Orpington Pullet Riding a Bike!

    Daisy the Buff Orpington pullet had a blast "learning" how to ride her own bike. She was fantastic about being cooperative for these pictures. She was a little fussy about me putting her feet on the pedals, but overall she was great! We are having very hot weather here, so that's why she's...
  7. The Red Rooster

    My turkey and chickens getting ready to sleep

    Here's my turkey and chickens getting ready to sleep. Goodnight everyone!
  8. The Red Rooster

    My Giant Rooster!

    This is my Jersey Giant rooster next to my sweetgrass turkey tom. What a chunk of rooster! He's actually bigger then the turkey (and feels heavier).
  9. The Red Rooster

    Sweetgrass tom with swollen face *pics*

    My Sweetgrass turkey is swollen on the right side of his face. It's like a big bulge near his eye. Ever time I press on it some white fluid with bubbles squirts out into his eye. The lump is pretty squishy and I think it's full of the white liquid. He does not act lethargic and walks around...
  10. The Red Rooster

    Black Jersey Giant

    I got a Black Jersey Giant rooster today.. and let me tell you HE IS HUGE! Even my turkey looks smaller then him. Pictures don't give him any justice.
  11. The Red Rooster

    10 week old Buff Orpington... Hen or Roo?

    I have a 10 week old BO who I'm guessing is cockerel. The comb looks more like a female, but not sure. Reasons why I think cockerel: The feathers are longer then my other BO. "His" feathers are darker then my other BO (not sure if that matters). The feathers near the back droop down...
  12. The Red Rooster

    How much food?

    I'm getting a sweetgrass turkey tomorrow, but we may have to leave for a week. I need to know how much one tom would eat. would two bags of feed be enough for one turkey and 24 chickens for a week? Hubby seems to think so, but I'm not so sure. I know one bag of food is enough for 24 chickens...
  13. The Red Rooster

    9 week old cockerel?

    I have a chick that I think is a cockerel. I started another thread when he was 6 weeks old, but I can't find it now. One of the things he did that was cockerelish is when I put him down he ran up to one of the pullets and put his neck feathers up and put his neck above her. (I think it's a...
  14. The Red Rooster

    Saddle Feathers?

    Are theses saddle feathers beginning to grow? Top view.
  15. The Red Rooster

    Leghorn Cockerel?

    I have a 6 week old Leghorn who I think is a cockerel. Reasons why I'm thinking cockerel. Red wattles and comb. Fights more then the others. More of an upright posture. Any ideas and thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
  16. The Red Rooster

    "Buckwheat! Buckwheat!"

    My guinea has gone crazy with buckwheating. I bought her when she was young, and now she learned how to buckwheat. The only time she stops buckwheating is when she is cleaning her feathers. She is in front of my opened window buckwheating as I type this. All I hear all day is: Buckwheat...
  17. The Red Rooster

    Hen Passed Out

    I have a Rhode Island Red hen who is older. The lady didn't tell me how old, just older. She had been breathing harder then the rest of the flock, but I assumed it was because she was an old hen. One day I picked her up and started holding her (not upside down). She started breathing hard and...
  18. The Red Rooster

    6 week old chick.. boy or girl?

    I have a chick that I think acts more like a boy. "He" sticks his neck feathers up whenever you catch him. He is a very feisty little thing and has earned the name "Little Devil" because of his devilish little eye. I have seen him fight more then the other chicks do. What do you think? Can you...
  19. The Red Rooster

    First Guinea Egg? *pics*

    I collected the eggs this morning, and I found this. It looks like a guinea egg to me because of it's narrow shape. What do you think? The only thing that would make me suspect that it might be a chicken egg is that I saw my 5 year old bantam scratching around in the hay where I found this egg...
  20. The Red Rooster

    Newbie to Gardening *UPDATE! TOMATOES GROWING!*

    I'm growing some tomato's and green peppers, ect. Is there any tips or things I need to know? I feel like I'm going to kill them all.
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