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  1. cbenson6820

    two chickens dead....does this sound like a hawk to you?

    I had one young roo and a pullet killed today. They were free ranging right in front of their tractor. My girlfriend found the chickens at 2pm and the bodies were stacked on top of each other. The chicken on the bottom was mostly eaten. All that was left was a leg and the hip bone, pieces of the...
  2. cbenson6820

    ACV, fermented feed and antibiotics???

    Hello all, I believe i know the answer to my questions but i thought i would check on here to see what you guys say. Can ACV be mixed in my chickens water with antibiotics or will the acv kill the antibiotics in the water? What about fermented feed? If chickens are on antibiotic water and are...
  3. cbenson6820

    How do yo mix your home made feed?

    I don't mean what ingredients are in it. I mean when you are actually making it and mixing all the grains together how do you mix it all up? I would think buying in seperate ingredients 50-100lb bags you would make at least 100 lbs at a time but thats a lot of feed to try to stir or shake up, so...
  4. cbenson6820

    Looking for millie fluer and crele cochin bantams

    Hello, I am looking for Millie Fluer cochin bantams and crele cochin bantams for my girlfriend as a Christmas gift. I currently have a Millie Fluer rooster and hen and a crele roo named crele the ragin cajun, he may be small but he thinks hes a Shamo. I have found some old posts of people with...
  5. cbenson6820

    how do i get silkies to go into the coop?

    I built a chicken tractor to protect my girlfriends silkies and some other juvenile chickens my broody hens hatched. I used 2x4 wire because it is strong and that is what i had on hand. The problem is only half of her silkies will go up the ramp into the enclosed part. The other half huttle...
  6. cbenson6820

    Winterizing an Automatic waterer and design questions

    I already have a pressure regulator to use with the watering nipples, but i wonder if one is enough since the nipples require only 1 PSI and i need about 32 or so feet of pipeing which will include a 6-7 ft vertical rise. I'm thinking about building the waterer for the chickens with 6 nipples...
  7. cbenson6820

    kinda weird/ravenous predator

    I did my predator check this morning around 1 Am before going to bed and everything was good. When i woke up this morning i found a chicken in the chicken tractor that had its head pulled through the wire and chewed off. Then when i went to feed the turkeys who roost on a wooden gate i saw...
  8. cbenson6820

    kinda weird/ravenous predator

    I did my predator check this morning around 1 Am before going to bed and everything was good. When i woke up this morning i found a chicken in the chicken tractor that had its head pulled through the wire and chewed off. Then when i went to feed the turkeys who roost on a wooden gate i saw...
  9. cbenson6820

    built a chicken tractor, now i need some help on how to pull it.

    I built my first chicken tractor and i need help figuring out the best way to pull it. I put some 8" or 10" pneumatic tires in the front and have 2 eye bolts in the back. i hooked a strap to the two eye bolts and was using that to drag it with the 4 wheeler but my land is too uneven to pull it...
  10. cbenson6820

    My first try at a chicken tractor.

    This is my first try at building a chicken tractor.It is 8ftx8ft. Before i was done framing i found some flaws and other ways to build it that would have been better and im really not too great at figuring out what angles to cut the wood but i think i did a really good job. i reinforced the crap...
  11. cbenson6820

    want to expand my chicken yard with electric fence

    I have 200ft of 2x4 no climb horse fencing that is 60" tall. The chickens have killed all the grass and vegetation in their run so i would like to triple its size. Buying another 400ft of no climb horse fencing is just too expensive. Would i be able to expand the chicken yard using only electric...
  12. cbenson6820

    what can i plant in the chicken yard???

    I just moved in december and set up a fenced in area for my chickens at my new house.I have about 30 chickens in the area. I dont know the square footage of the fenced area but i know i used 200 feet of wire to make 3 sides of the fenced area and the fence connects to back of each side of the...
  13. cbenson6820

    chicken twisting and shaking its head and a wheezing turkey

    Hello, I just went into the coop and found one of my partridge rocks on the coop floor acting very strange. She keeps turning her head like she is looking at the ground (one eye facing the ground, one eye facing the ceiling) and every now and then it looks like her neck vibrates or shakes...
  14. cbenson6820

    Green Poop???

    I have a chicken i just got from the auction that i put on tylan 50 injections. She had a runny nose and was sneezing, coughing, and shaking her head a lot. She has been on injections for about 5 days and her symptoms seem better but she has diarrhea and some of it is bright green and she...
  15. cbenson6820

    I dont know how to treat my hen.....and a turkey problem

    Hello, I bought a hen(adult, idk her age) about 2-3 weeks ago from a auction and she seemed healthy the first week and then she disappeared. I didn't see her for about a week and i assumed she fell victim to the fox. while i was counting chickens one night i looked under the nest boxes and...
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