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  • Users: morgakl2
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  1. morgakl2

    Silkie roosters

    I have 2 white and 1 black silkie roosters. Free to a good home. 5 months old. Comes when you call them. They'll follow me around the yard. Pick up only. I'm located in north central Alabama.
  2. morgakl2

    breeding question

    Will a white silkie and a black silkie make a gray silkie or a splash silkie? Or will I just end up with some black and some white?
  3. morgakl2

    what bantam breeds will use a ramp?

    Since ramps aren't silkie friendly, what other bantam breeds use the ramp to go into the coop with ease? Every night I watch my 3 month old bearded silkie fall out of the coop. I guess he/she doen't see the hole in the floor leading to the exit ramp.
  4. morgakl2

    Is there a "never feed your chickens this" list

    From table scraps to raw veggies, is there a list floating around of what not to feed chickens? Like what is toxic or causes the runs? also, I know my chickens love watermelon, but what else do they love?
  5. morgakl2

    chickens won't use ramp??

    It's getting in the high thirties at night, so I have a heat lamp in the chicken coop. My chickens are only 2-3 months old. They know how to use the ramp to leave the coop in the morning, but they haven't figured out how to use the ramp to get put up at night. I'm worried they are going to...
  6. morgakl2

    showing off my babies PICS**

    This is my 16 day old partridge silkie I hatched from an egg that was shipped from PENN to AL. Name is Ocsar. This is my 7 day old blue splash silkie I hatched from an egg that was shipped from FL to AL. Name is Bert. This is my 6 day old blue splash silkie I hatched from an egg that was...
  7. morgakl2

    I'm a mommy!!!pic

    (i'm learning how to upload photo's so if I didn't do it right, please let me know how) I'm a new mommy! After hatching 0/10 from my own hen, I finally hatched 1/8 from shipping Penn eggs. I'm so proud of my new baby and I owe it all to BYC for helping me get through this! Now that I have...
  8. morgakl2

    teaching chicks how to eat???

    When or if my eggs hatch, I know to leave the chicks in the bator for like 24 hours. But, my father-in-law told me that after I put them in the "brooder box" I'm going to have to teach them how to eat and drink? Is that true?
  9. morgakl2

    First PIP! qUeStIoN?

    Last night was day 21. At 10:30 PM I heard chirping for the very first time ever!!!! This morning I see a pip or a crack in the top of the shell. But, I don't hear chirping anymore and I don't see rocking. Last night my humidity was 81%. When I woke up this morning it was 63%. I added more...
  10. morgakl2

    104 temp...are they still alive?

    Alright BYC, I need your opinion. On the day my temp shot up to 104, I had 8 silkie eggs on day 5 and 5 silkie eggs on day 17. I'm using a still air LG. Due to thermal layering, I have one thermometer on top of the eggs and one sitting on bottom of the wire. When I checked the eggs at 11:30...
  11. morgakl2

    Day 14 Candle...toss or not?

    Alright BYC, I need your help. I bought 8 eggs online BYC from PENN. Today is day 14. I just candled them and all put one let the light shine through like Rudolph's nose. Only 1/8 was mostly dark. 7/8 I didn't see any dark spots are blood vessels. Is it time to toss those? My temp has...
  12. morgakl2

    Dissected eggs

    I had my class dissect the eggs that didn't hatch (which was all of them). We were able to identify what day they quit on. Most were early quiters like day 4-6. Probably due to me moving the eggs from the dog house (where the hen layed them) to the incubator. But one egg looked like day 16...
  13. morgakl2

    Any North Alabama Silkie?

    I'm looking for some North Alabama silkie owers I can buy/sell/trade with. Anyone interested?
  14. morgakl2

    Has anyone bought chicks online...

    Has anyone ever bought chicks online from I have tried incubating my own hen's eggs and shipped eggs from BYC. I'm 0/18 I'm giving up on incubating and want to try young chicks in the mail. Any suggestions? Like is getting chicks from mypetchicken like going to a...
  15. morgakl2

    2 candle questions

    Question 1: I just candled the eggs that are on Day 24. Only 2/9 are mostly dark. Is that mostly darkness bacteria or a chick? The others looked like they quit a long time ago. Question: I just candled my first even shipped eggs on Day 7. I was hoping to see veins are a little dark spot...
  16. morgakl2

    funny smell??

    Well today is day 24 and still have no sign of life I bumped up the temperature to 99.5, but while i was at work it spiked to 102 and I have no idea how long it was at that temperature. Yesterday I started noticing a smell coming from the bator. It's smells more like a mildewing towel than a...
  17. morgakl2

    Today is Day 23...when do give up?

    I have 9 silkie eggs. As of this morning, there is no rocking, chirping, or pipping. On average the temperature has been on the lower side (97.8). When should I give up and toss them out?
  18. morgakl2

    Hatching tomorrow?

    My 9 silkie eggs are due to hatch tomorrow. I'm really only expecting < 3 to make it. I candled on day 14 and most looked like they were stuck on day 8 (according to that great candling thred on BYC). I didn't candle on day 18. I was hoping to hear peeping or see pips by now, but no luck. I...
  19. morgakl2

    Weevils in food?

    I just opened the bag of Manna Pro Medicated Chick Starter from TSC, that I bought yesterday, and found weevils crawling all in it. Will it still be ok or should I try to take it back (I'm not sure where the reciept is)? My eggs are due to hatch Friday. I've never had to care for baby chicks...
  20. morgakl2

    eggs coming in the mail

    I have eggs being shipped today from pennsylvania to alabama. They are suppose to be here Monday. Wish me luck with my first ever shipped eggs.
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