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  1. booksandcranies

    Help with post egg bound chicken

    POST EGG BINDING ADVICE Hello!! I made a post about this yesterday but I’m hoping to get more feed back as I’m wanting to make sure I’m not missing ANYTHING, and I am concerned still. I was successful with helping my chicken remove her bound egg- and I’m fairly certain she doesn’t have...
  2. booksandcranies

    Post egg binding advice

    Thank you so much for the advice!!!! I’ll be keeping a very close eye on her and if there’s another egg I at least know what I need to do now! Thank you!
  3. booksandcranies

    Post egg binding advice

    Hello, chicken first timer here. I helped my 9 month old bantam hen (Easter egger I believe) with a bound egg today. She was able to pass it with assistance from me and many, many epsom salt baths and tums. I’m unsure of what to do now that she has laid it. She isn’t eating very much- I’ve made...
  4. booksandcranies

    Groundhog problem: will coyote Pee scare my chickens

    Unfortunately they are trying to get under my house I believe so while they aren’t harming my pets- they can defiantly harm my house 😭- I will defiantly try the coyote pee and see if I can scare them off bc I don’t want to kill the poor things for just doing what’s natural I also just really...
  5. booksandcranies

    Groundhog problem: will coyote Pee scare my chickens

    So I, unfortunately, have a groundhog problem. We have been given advice by both Google and other people who have dealt with this to get coyote pee. But I’m nervous it will scare my hens- will it or can I proceed with buying it?
  6. booksandcranies

    To bantam rooster, or to not bantam rooster? That is the question

    That’s totally my bad I forgot to mention it!! I try to just ignore him, but man his legs are quick! I feel like if he did have spurs he would have gotten me ten times over by now, little jerk Also I didn’t really know as it qualified as him being “bad” since he’s just doing what roosters do
  7. booksandcranies

    To bantam rooster, or to not bantam rooster? That is the question

    Well, the thing is he’s a very good boy to his hens- for me it’s a different story unfortunately. While I love him, he defiantly see’s my 5 foot nothing self and thinks “oh yeah, that right there is a predator” so we tend to square up everyday and usually multiple times a day. He doesn’t have...
  8. booksandcranies

    To bantam rooster, or to not bantam rooster? That is the question

    Thank you!!!! I’ll try a hen only flock and see how it goes! While I love the eggs I’m a total sap and they have defiantly become pets to me and I want to keep them as safe as I can- you should see their coop and run it’s a fortress I went way overboard with the 1/4 mesh but it was worth it. I...
  9. booksandcranies

    To bantam rooster, or to not bantam rooster? That is the question

    I have a flock of all bantam hens (5 of them) and ended up with a standard roo who was also supposed to be a bantam hen. Meyer hatchery accident, what can ya do y’know? I think I finally have a home for him to go to that will be a bit more appropriate, but I’m nervous about not having a...
  10. booksandcranies

    Silky bantam odd man out?

    She’s back with her flock! It’s a bit weird, she mostly is on her own but they don’t pick on her at all- other than getting the pecking order sorted out. But so far no blood, no feather pulling. Just trying to get her to be more accepted by the flock if that makes sense?
  11. booksandcranies

    How cold is to cold for bantam?

    It was mostly just sleet and ALOT of rain- everyone was pretty excited for the snow and then it was just a big rainy letdown
  12. booksandcranies

    How cold is to cold for bantam?

    Yeah I’m in Ohio I’m in Ohio, it’s mostly been rainy but it’s finally going to, supposedly, drop and temp and possibly snow
  13. booksandcranies

    How cold is to cold for bantam?

    Oh so sorry!! Fahrenheit! And mostly Easter eggers but I do have a Brahma, a sage gem and a silky
  14. booksandcranies

    How cold is to cold for bantam?

    Hello! This is my first winter with chickens- and it’s been pretty mild so far. But it’s going to be getting to -1 and it’ll feel colder with wind chill. They do have a coop and a walk in run (it’s a little small but better than the premade ones I’ve seen) - I haven’t gotten a heater for them...
  15. booksandcranies

    Silky bantam odd man out?

    Thank you!! I will go with option B for now! If it happens again well, option A can still be tried out!!! And yeah😅, I very quickly realized that maybe Facebook wasn’t the way to go so I hoped on here, you guys always have such insightful advice!!
  16. booksandcranies

    Silky bantam odd man out?

    So- my silky girls head got plucked pretty clean, it was read and irritated and poor girl has a puncture wound from all the pecking. She’s isolated, on the mend and now I’m just considering my options She’s the only silky in my bantam flock (it was,, an accident of sorts, they seemed so...
  17. booksandcranies

    Should I add bantams or standards to help my flock?

    I’m rather new to this :) it’s only my second post but I’ll keep that in mind for next time. I’m just trying to gather all the info I can for them- there is a run it’s actually taller than I am at about 5’2 and about 9 feet for the entire length- but I am pretty short
  18. booksandcranies

    Should I add bantams or standards to help my flock? take him if I can’t keep him. But I’m a sucker and I bond much to easily with animals, plus he still hasn’t technically been id’ed as a rooster yet, *the denial is strong with me*. still waiting for him to crow, so far I just squint at him and tell him if he’s going to crow then do it already
  19. booksandcranies

    Should I add bantams or standards to help my flock?

    Lengthwise the run is 9 feet long, 3.6 feet wide, 5 foot 2 inches tall And the coop is 6ft long, 2 ft tall, 3 feet wide! I don’t know the exact square footage because honestly my math is not amazing Edit: And I know it’s not the biggest so I will of course be making it bigger for them, they...
  20. booksandcranies

    Should I add bantams or standards to help my flock?

    I would like to keep him because quite frankly, we have hawks in the area, even at just 12 weeks he was able to round everyone up and get them inside without me doing anything. And it’s my first coop, we will be expanding it next spring Edit: but thankfully it’s not so small that I can’t go In...
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