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  1. H

    Bearded Belgian d'uccle chicken varieties

    HI, My 12 year has just started with bearded bantam d'uccles; she has several mille fleurs and one porcelain variety. We would like to see pictures of each of the other varieties as well as how the colors interact with each other ( I know some colors work better together than others). Any and...
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    6 week old Silver Laced Wyandottes

    I purchased what was supposed to be all pullets from my pet chicken, but I have several that I think are males, what do y'all think?
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    6 week old Golden Laced Wyandotte

    I purchased all pullets from my pet chicken, but I have gotten several that look like males to me. What do y'all think about this Golden Laced Wyandotte?
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    6 week old Speckled Sussex

    I purchased these 2 Speckled Sussexes from my pet chicken and they are now 6 weeks old. They were supposed to be both females, but I think I got a male and a female. I have never raised Sussexes before so I am not 100% sure, what do y'all think?
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    6 week old welsummers

    I purchased these 2 Welsummers from my pet chicken and they are now 6 weeks old. They were supposed to be both females, but I think I got a male and a female. I have never raised welsummers before so I am not 100% sure, what do y'all think?
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    millie fleur 4 week old chicks (2nd try)

    I think I posted this in the wrong section last night. One person helped us, but we would like to get a few more opinions if possible. My daughter has 6 Millie fleur d'uccle chicks that are between 3 and 4 weeks old. We have never raised these chickens before, we're hoping some experts can tell...
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    millie fleur d'uccle chick genders

    My daughter has 6 Millie fleur d'uccle chicks that are between 3 and 4 weeks old. We have never raised these chickens before, we're hoping some experts can tell which are males and which are females? Thanks SO much!! Chick 1 Chick 2 Chick 3 Chick 4 Chick 5 Chick 6 (this one was...
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    Crossbeak chick from My Pet Chicken hatchery

    We just received our My Pet Chicken order and our partridge Cochin has a very obvious scissorbeak :(. It makes me sad!
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    Welsummer or speckled Sussex?

    I have never raised either breed. I bought two of each from mypetchicken. I think the Sussex is the one on the left and the welsummer is on the right. All were supposed to be pullets, but does the welsummer look like a male? Thanks!
  10. H

    What am I doing wrong?

    I need help figuring out what I am doing wrong with hatching ducklings. I am using kebonnixs incubators and for the last several duck hatched I have had babies make it to internal pipping and then they die, I feel like their air sacs aren’t big enough. I monitor the humidity and temps all...
  11. H

    Weird air sac in shipped duck eggs

    We put our shipped duck eggs in for lockdown tonight and a few of them seem to have huge air sacs and odd shapes, the babies are moving inside, what should I expect for them during and after hatching? Should I be prepared to intervene or will they most likely hatch normally? Thanks!
  12. H

    Flock party egg maker feed

    Hi, we have searched everywhere within an hour’s distance maybe even farther from our home looking for Flock Party egg maker feed, we can’t find it anywhere. All of the TSC are out even if they say they have them in stock on their website. Our ducks lay great when they are eating these pellets...
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    Crested Cream Legbar Rooster without a crest?

    Hi, this is my second year raising Crested Cream Legbar chickens and all three of my hens have beautiful crests and every chick that I have hatched out using this rooster has been autosexing with no problems, but after seeing some pictures of roosters with very prominent crowns online I am now...
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    Cream legbar partridge Oliver egger cockerels or pullet ?

    Hi, we hatched our first 2 cream legbar partridge olive egger crossed chicks a few months ago and we were hoping one of them would be a pullet but they are both looking like cockerels to me, what do you experienced chick identifiers think? 🧐 the first three pictures of the only one that I have a...
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    Lavender Orpingtons 12 weeks

    Hi, I have two lavender orpington chicks that we hatched out. These are the first lavender orpingtons that we have ever had; are they males or females or one of each? Sorry the pictures aren't great; they are not as friendly as our buff and splash orpingtons. One is bigger than the other and...
  16. H

    Identifying magpie and Ancona ducks

    We are hoping to get some good references and answers to a question that we have been trying to get a clear answer to through research and comparing photos for a while now, how do you clearly know the difference between magpie and Ancona ducks? They look so similar! Send us some identification...
  17. H

    Can Ayam cemani chicks be sexed based on their wing feathers?

    We just hatched out a mixed batch of chicks and 4 of them are Ayam cemanis, I have never vent sexed chicks before and I would love to be able to determine their gender by their wing feathers, is it possible to do with Ayam cemanis? Thanks!
  18. H

    Cream legbar chick gender is?

    We just hatched out our very first cream legbar chick, is it a male or female? We’re excited for either one 🐣
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    Ancona hatching eggs in North Carolina

    Ancona eggs are $6 each or $60 per dozen. We have 2 Ancona females who are laying regularly. We have black, silver and lavender in our flock. We collect our eggs daily and do our very best to ensure their health; with that being said we do not offer a guarantee with our hatching eggs...
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    ISO: Anacona Females

    My daughter is interested in adding a few Ancona females to what she already has, she currently has 2 males and 2 females. We are near Asheville NC, hatching eggs or ducklings would be great, we can do shipping or local pick up. Thanks!
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