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  1. Lukers

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    That makes good sense, I figured so, but I want to know, and thus figured I'd ask, thanks
  2. Lukers

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    So, why would that be, is it about look or heat dissipation, since they're from arid, semi arid or tropical regions or another reason? just curious
  3. Lukers

    New member

    Likely hens, locally sourced, and if not, then eggs if you have to ship some in, from what I understand, quail chicks are a bit delicate in shipping, but then again, eggs come with the cost of an incubator, with quail specific egg turners. But with day old chicks or eggs, at least you can have...
  4. Lukers

    New member

    I don't know all that much, but the Gambel's are some of the most fun interactive little birds, given ours were imprinted on people, but they're very flighty if not. And be careful to have an extremely shallow water for the first 3 weeks, or put marbles and pebbles in there just so they can dip...
  5. Lukers

    New member

    Howdy, what are you hoping to learn? is there any advice You'd like? I'm new here myself, but I've had chickens about all my life and had a whole range of experience, and some limited experience with Gambel's and coturnix quail. Thanks for joining!
  6. Lukers

    My black astros are on day 22?

    Also, what model is your incubator, and I saw that this is your first time using one, have you hatched under a broody momma before?
  7. Lukers

    My black astros are on day 22?

    okay, so first things first, deep breath, things happen, and you can't control everything with incubation, even in the best of circumstances. So, candle them, go into a dark room and with a flashlight check the fat end of the egg, see if the beak of the chick has pierced the air cell, and if...
  8. Lukers

    Obnoxious little banty rooster

    Obnoxious little banty rooster
  9. Lukers

    Hey, thank you, and a happy new years to you as well. Sorry for the late reply, I was out of...

    Hey, thank you, and a happy new years to you as well. Sorry for the late reply, I was out of state and didn't have my laptop, which is the only way for me to access my account.
  10. Lukers

    Developing my own breed

    They remind me of biefelders and rhodebars, and in a sense, they will come out like them, just meatier, cool project! I'll be following You could try to breed auto sexing into them.That would be neat and very handy for you.
  11. Lukers

    I need better chickens.

    I need better chickens.
  12. Lukers

    Developing my own breeds of gamefowl and bantam

    Hey, got 'em yet Az? Ignore the double quote, my bad.
  13. Lukers

    Letting broody hens raise pheasant chicks

    Oh, my bad, so, it'll work, and yes, do choose, it'll be ringnecks if your in the states, and yeah, look at laws, but it ought to be fine if they are already releasing them anyway.
  14. Lukers

    Letting broody hens raise pheasant chicks

    Keep them penned until they are done being brooded and fed by mom, and then you could cut 'em loose, and with hen raised pheasants, there is a much higher survival rate than with pen raise and incubator hatched pheasants. The Brits do it often using game hens because of how active and fast game...
  15. Lukers

    Developing my own breeds of gamefowl and bantam

    ...that would be an awkward call to the game warden. "hello sir, my chicken killed a hawk and how would I deal with it?", "Don't you mean a hawk killed your chicken?" "No" *Phone goes on hold* that and OP had/has Liege, didn't they get killed by a bobcat when you put them out on free range, Az?
  16. Lukers

    Developing my own breeds of gamefowl and bantam

    The cooper's have been horrendous on this side of town too, I lost a d'uccle, an old english game bantam, and several cochin mixed pullets to one particular larger-ish adult female cooper's hawk.
  17. Lukers

    New gamefowl thread

    I really want some Kraeinkoppes!
  18. Lukers

    Developing my own breeds of gamefowl and bantam

    Hey, if you are still having issues with feed, I work at the Olsen's right there across from Mortimer's (you know where I'm talking) and I've heard great reviews about the Don Roberto's El Cantacor feed. It's a mix of grains, peas, sunflower seeds, and mineral and vitamin pellets, my hens love...
  19. Lukers

    American game crosses

    Hey, any idea what a black breasted red gamecock over an Ancona hen would look like, or one over an Egyptian Fayoumi hen?
  20. Lukers

    Supposedly a blue partridge brahma

    So, don't be worried, hens tend to feather out on the wings faster than roosters, and like I said, size has nothing to do with it, my 11 pound buff brahma rooster was about the size of a golf ball when we got him, now he's massive, and all the hens we got with him when they were chicks were far...
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