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  • Users: KCNC06
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  1. KCNC06

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    I added possibly too much information, or too much not helpful information, about what's going on with my girl, Bill, under another thread about this subject...but not sure that's the way to get answers so I'm trying again. Here's where I posted yesterday...
  2. KCNC06

    Duckling cuteness vs color curiosity 😂

    I thought maybe some of y'all might be able to relate. I ended up hatching some ducklings from a mixed breed group of ducks. All the ducklings have the same father but there's a good assortment of potential mom's. The babies are so stinking cute and I'm loving the cute fluffy phase but dang if...
  3. KCNC06

    White ducks feathers yellow after molt

    There seems to be some mystery or debate about this question. I'm wondering if anyone here might have more information. I have White Layers and whatever you'd call the offspring of White Layers (since hybrids don't breed true I know they're technically not White Layer Hybrids). The girls are...
  4. KCNC06

    Why keep peafowl?

    I've probably spent too much time the past few days reading about keeping peafowl, and probably have way too many questions now, but I think the questions may be able to be summarized into this one question - why keep peafowl? Most of what I've read is...well, to be blunt, pretty...
  5. KCNC06

    Stray Peahen (?)

    We had a random peahen (I think) show up at our house last night. She was walking around our chicken/duck yard poking at the fence like she was trying to figure out how to get in. We have absolutely no idea where she came from and not sure how far peafowl can wander when they get lost. Our area...
  6. KCNC06

    Avian Influenza east coast

    I've been trying to find information on the current HPAI outbreak in VA, NC and SC, but the information I've found is quite vague. I'm in central NC, don't have a pond on or near our property so we don't have wild waterfowl around. I stopped putting seed out for wild birds last summer when that...
  7. KCNC06

    Lazy duckling or am I missing something?

    Alrighty, so, I've got a duckling who is starting to confuse me. Or at least make me wonder if I should be concerned. I have 3 that hatched on October 24 - Sassafras, Percy and Backwards Betty (Betty was breech and hatched from the pointy end of her egg). Sassafras and Betty's voices are already...
  8. KCNC06

    Membrane movement before internal pip - how long

    I think I saw a post about this subject from several years ago but didn't see an answer to the question. Does anyone know how long you'll see a duckling pressing against their membrane before actually breaking through for that internal pip? I've hatched a lot of eggs in the incubator so I know...
  9. KCNC06

    Suprelorin Implant - Cost and side effects?

    ...and if she needs a new implant, like is it okay to let her start laying again and see how the shell quality is. He shrugged again and said "Sure." *Sigh* Anyway. Now I'm curious if anyone here might have experience with this implant and might be able to help me with some of these questions...
  10. KCNC06

    Duckling voices changing at 2 weeks?!?

    I've raised a lot of ducklings over the years, hatched 30+ ducklings back in 2019, so I *should* know this. BUT this seems weird even to me so I'm asking. I ordered 10 sexed ducklings from McMurray (Metzer), they should be females. They should be 15 days old today, they got to our PO on 5/27...
  11. KCNC06

    Mixed breed flock - breed size and safety

    This may be a really silly question but I wanted to ask anyway before I set myself up for heartache. We already have a mixed breed flock, most of our ducks are offspring from our original (almost 3 yr old) White Layers. Those 4 White Layers produced 21 ducklings back in 2018. Which reminds me -...
  12. KCNC06

    Bumbles and rainy weather

    After 11-ish years of keeping fowl, we had our first experience with Bumblefoot last summer. We had a duck with a tiny bumble which healed up very quickly with treatment. We did epsom salt soaks 2x/day, kept the foot bandaged with silver gel on a gauze pad, and kept her and another duck (for...
  13. KCNC06

    Sexing a duck by bill freckles?

    I know a duck's voice is the best way to determine gender in breeds where males and females look alike, like my white layers. But I have a duck that is recovering from suspected lead poisoning (won't go into that here though because I had another post going about that issue) and I don't think...
  14. KCNC06

    Will we need to provide supplemental heat for hen and chicks?

    This really does feel like a ridiculous question but oh well. We don't usually let our broody hens hatch eggs because we always end up with too many boys. One of our hens found a great hiding spot this spring though and ended up hatching three chicks. After that, our adorable bantam hen...
  15. KCNC06

    Need to separate female duck - does she need a friend?

    One of our female ducks has been plucked raw by overzealous drakes. With chickens, I've never worried much about separating an injured hen for a bit while she heals but I've never had this issue with ducks. Our chicken hens don't seem to care if they're away from the flock but I know ducks are...
  16. KCNC06

    Duck laying 2 eggs per day

    I'm hoping this is an issue that will resolve itself but... figured I'd ask about it. One of my girls, Pipsqueak, started laying January 27. She hatched September 19 so she was just over 4 months when she started laying which seemed a smidge early, her older sister Bill Bill was 5 months old...
  17. KCNC06

    Leaving imprinted indoor ducks alone?

    I'm not sure how common this situation is, but wondering if anyone with imprinted ducks can share their experiences. We didn't intend to have indoor or imprinted ducks, but we do. Bill Bill is now 4 months old, she'll wander off around the house without me and doesn't freak out if she can't see...
  18. KCNC06

    Moving with fowl?

    Ok so...I figure I might as well ask since this has been on my mental "to do" list. I think I've seen posts asking about moving and taking your flock with you but can't remember seeing posts about how it went. The feasibility of moving with fairly large flocks of chickens/ducks needs to get...
  19. KCNC06

    Diaper sizing & bill freckles

    Obviously two very different questions but I'm lazy and didn't feel like making two posts. :) First, about diaper sizing. I bought a diaper harness for my Bill Bill about a month ago from The Goose's Mother & Father. "His" snap measurement from neck to oil gland is ~9". I can't remember exactly...
  20. KCNC06

    Is a pair of drakes really better?

    I think I read somewhere recently that if you're only going to have two ducks it's better to get two drakes or two hens, not a drake/hen pair. (I could very well have imagined that I read this though...I've imagined or dreamed weirder things so hard telling.) Has anyone else read this...
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