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  1. Redbirdacres

    Elector PSP- very specifc question

    I also don't have anywhere to burn the bedding so what do I do with it?
  2. Redbirdacres

    Elector PSP- very specifc question

    My concern right now is these high winds we have. I'm concerned it's going to blow the dirty coop matter and insecticide everywhere
  3. Redbirdacres

    Elector PSP- very specifc question

    Luckily we haven't been bitten yet. I believe they are NF mites and not red mites so if I have read correctly they don't transfer and feed off humans 🤞
  4. Redbirdacres

    Elector PSP- very specifc question

    So we have mites. Two of my girls pretty badly. I finally got my Elector PSP in the mail late last night. I need to go out and clear the coop, spray the coop, bars, and birds. Here's my specific question: it was supposed to rain today. It's delayed after some rain last night. So today is...
  5. Redbirdacres

    Pitting crop

    Tonight my husband couldn't find our Gracie girl. We found her in the garage instead of the coop. The last time this happened, about a year ago, she had sour crop. Tonight when I picked her up, her crop wasn't soft and mushy like it was with sour crop but it was quite large and hard. Upon...
  6. Redbirdacres

    We're REALLY late

    Yeah 16 weeks for CC is waaaay too late. We're panicking at 12.5 weeks
  7. Redbirdacres

    We're REALLY late

    I feel like 16 for a CC is waaaay past time, no? Mine are not quite 13 weeks and theyre HUGE. Our last batch was done at 11-12 weeks and they were 8-11lbs!
  8. Redbirdacres

    We're REALLY late

    @Morrigan @aart They are...OK. They're pretty big and one or two try nit to move as much as possible (one in particular) but they're all getting up and moving around some. No issues they're just really big. We feed once in the morning. I told my husband to cut back a little but he was worried...
  9. Redbirdacres

    We're REALLY late

    We have 15 CC that we're really late getting culled. We have an appt with the Amish farm that does it for us for the 25th. They'll be 14 weeks. I feel terrible for them. How can I help them till this date? Please, I feel bad for them already, no negative comments.
  10. Redbirdacres

    Ducks with special Needs

    Someone just linked this thread in one that I had searched for. I think it's time we bring this entire thread back because I need help and BADLY!!! My one guy is FILTHY. We got two days of rain (that was desperately needed as we are in severe extreme drought conditions) however he is now covered...
  11. Redbirdacres

    Pool and algae

    That's great to know. Thanks so much
  12. Redbirdacres

    Pool and algae

    The wind around our land can be quite brutal so I wouldn't trust much to hold up honestly. It's windier here than any other place I've lived.
  13. Redbirdacres

    Pool and algae

    So we really don't have much shade on our land. We're remedying that and have planted a few trees and bushes but that will take years to develop shade obviously. The pool gets very dirty very quickly (I know, not much to do about that) but I've purchased a net for large debris and with prime day...
  14. Redbirdacres

    Wheelchair time! Help me please!

    Yes, wrapping it around the pvc and stabilizing it. And yes those are it!
  15. Redbirdacres

    Wheelchair time! Help me please!

    I saw part one of this which helps somewhat with measurements in his comments. How would you do the towel? And do you know about SAM splints at all?
  16. Redbirdacres

    Wheelchair time! Help me please!

    I've seen this link a few time on searches and thought what a great idea and so much cheaper! Had a chance to go to Walmart today and grabbed one. Was hoping for two (one for peanut, one for Kevin/Big Guy) but there was only one left. Kevin is more...
  17. Redbirdacres

    Off center pelvis???

    It was really hard to get pics of her but here's the best I could get last night. The first pic she was walking so that leg was at an angle but her legs themselves look OK to me???
  18. Redbirdacres


    OK so a while ago everyone got a little chuckle when I asked about my babies being out in the rain. I know I know...rookie duck mama mistake. However today we are have the possibility of some thunderstorms. Do you make sure your duckies get inside for thunderstorms? They're not big fans of hard...
  19. Redbirdacres

    Off center pelvis???

    I looked up pics and I don't think that's it
  20. Redbirdacres

    Off center pelvis???

    ...and the thought of culling her is heartbreaking as I've grown quite attached this teeny tiny baby. This may just be disabled farm animal #3 for me *sigh* (See duck posts if you want to know more lol). PS sorry for the video, our barn cat was trying to shoo everyone off so she could have my...
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