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  1. HennyPenny44

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    I’m born again and living for His glory and in His Word every day, thank you.🙂 I was going to respond to the Coronavirus discussion but I felt God wanted me to speak about the gospel instead. God bless you!
  2. HennyPenny44

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    Yes, He made us but He’s not in all our hearts or so many wouldn’t reject Him and His son, Jesus. Acts 2:38 says, “Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” and John...
  3. HennyPenny44

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    Amen…and repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand!
  4. HennyPenny44

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    What makes one a Child of God and how do I get to heaven?
  5. HennyPenny44

    Bumblefoot and overmating

    I made my own Epsom salt poultice from Epsom salt and hot water and put it on her tonight with her bandage. She hates it and bites my hands as I wrap her foot, lol. But she’s limping again so it’s not an option.
  6. HennyPenny44

    Bumblefoot and overmating

    Wow, that’s pretty amazing results! I tried drawing salve but I don’t know if I did it long enough or it just doesn’t work as well. At this point, I’m desperate fora solution soI’ll try it. Have to be super diligent about wrapping feet!
  7. HennyPenny44

    Bumblefoot and overmating

    I was doing the Epsom salt soaks but they kept pooping in them constantly so maybe the poultice is better. I didn’t do the antibiotic tonight. I’ll try your advice.😊
  8. HennyPenny44

    Bumblefoot and overmating

    Thank you and I’m sorry I’m being long winded but it’s my first time with bumblefoot. I appreciate all the help. The heel bumbles aren't as worrisome to me but the middle toe one on Miss Limpy is. When I first removed the scab off this girl, there was no pus of any type. I had to make an...
  9. HennyPenny44

    Bumblefoot and overmating

    She's not very consistent. Only stays on in the morning when I open the duck house and gets off soon after to catch up with her friends.:)
  10. HennyPenny44

    Bumblefoot and overmating

    Not sure what to do though. The swelling isn't going down. What would you suggest then?
  11. HennyPenny44

    Bumblefoot and overmating

    Ok, that clarifies things, thank you. The first girl…it’s been a very stubborn case which is why I’m doing a second round of antibiotics now. She’s also broody now, as if bumblefoot and foamy eye weren't enough issues for her.😂
  12. HennyPenny44

    Bumblefoot and overmating

    Thanks for all the advice. I will try to follow it. Are you saying my girls’ feet have infection? Because I already did that entire process a few weeks ago. I used Epsom salt soak to soften the scabs, removed those, used drawing salve to draw the infections out further and sugardine after...
  13. HennyPenny44

    Bumblefoot and overmating

    I have something called Hen Healer which is blue. I just sprayed Banixx on her head but can do the Hen Healer instead. I was wrapping feet during and after bumblefoot removal but once new scabs formed, I stopped. It’s hard finding time to wrap 3 duck feet and then putting plastic bags on them...
  14. HennyPenny44

    Bumblefoot and overmating

    I’ve posted on here recently about my bumblefoot ordeal. Basically, I’ve been dealing with bumblefoot with 5 out of 6 ducks in the last couple of months, 1 drake and 4 hens. “Miss Limpy” had it the worst so I’d done surgery twice on her foot to drain the abscess and take out the pus, and put...
  15. HennyPenny44

    Hermaphrodite chicken?

    As an update, this chicken is now 1 year 3 months and hasn’t laid a single egg. It crowed very weakly a few times in one day a few weeks back and hasn’t crowed since nor has it attempted to mate with my hens. It does act a bit protective with its favorite hens though and doesn’t turn its back...
  16. HennyPenny44

    Duck bumblefoot to proceed?

    Sorry for the late reply. Yes, 2x a day for 5 days is what I did. I changed the bandage today and the skin in the affected area is kinda squishy and loose though the swelling hasn’t completely gone down.
  17. HennyPenny44

    Duck bumblefoot to proceed?

    Thank you for the reply. The Enrofloxacin you only use for 5 days before you stop but the swelling is still there. So I don’t know if I need to do it for longer or try a different antibiotic. I guess I’ll just watch the foot for now.
  18. HennyPenny44

    Duck bumblefoot to proceed?

    I have an update.🙂 My girl has been on Enrofloxacin for 5 days as of yesterday. She’s still bandaged up because there’s a scab although it’s not black but a pale tan color. I’m assuming it’s healthy. But there is still swelling in that area of the foot although a less than before. She’s not...
  19. HennyPenny44

    Duck bedding to prevent bumblefoot…tired of bumblefoot!

    Yes, my chickens are in our electric fence but I may just try it out on my ducks while my chickens take the stationary run…great idea! I need netting on top of the electric fence area at all times due to hawks too.
  20. HennyPenny44

    Duck bedding to prevent bumblefoot…tired of bumblefoot!

    I can create a grassy pen for them but I'd have to be out there the whole time. I’ve had foxes hide in the brush waiting to pounce on my birds. I will work on the bedding issue but if the bumblefoot persists, I may need to give up on ducks. .
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