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  1. Rambling Iris

    Granny's gone and done it again

    That's a long trip! Be safe and watch out for crazy drivers!
  2. Rambling Iris

    Coffee Club

    Good morning Fellow coffee club members. It's a dark and gloomy day with rain forecast for most of the day. Perfect weather for drinking coffee and reading a good book or napping!
  3. Rambling Iris

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Good morning! Hope you have a great day.
  4. Rambling Iris

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Good Morning Granny land! It's still raining a little so outside chores will have to wait. I've got lots to do inside so I wont be bored. Hope everyone has a great day.
  5. Rambling Iris

    The Old Folks Home

    Famous last words as you go out the door to do it.
  6. Rambling Iris

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Nope you are not last. I'm checking in fir the last time tonight. Sweet dreams everyone.
  7. Rambling Iris

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Try laying on your back on the bed, pull the leg that hurts up as far as you can bend the knee keeping the foot on the bed. cross the bent knee over the other leg and move it side to side a few times. It might help.
  8. Rambling Iris

    The Old Folks Home

    Thanks for the info! Our coops are to big for the umbrella to work but we do provide shade and lots of water. Our chickens free range during the day and have places they like to go to cool off.
  9. Rambling Iris

    The Old Folks Home

    What is your protocol for hot weather? I need to come up with something better than what I'm doing now.
  10. Rambling Iris

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Good late morning to all. The temp has reached 89 on the porch already. Anything that was going to get done in the yard today is going to have to wait until later.
  11. Rambling Iris

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I'm just getting started. When the crops start coming in I won't have time for much else. But it will be worth it next winter. I won't have to go to the grocery store as much and we will eat good!
  12. Rambling Iris

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Hope you had a good day. I've been busy all day! Baked 2 loaves of bread, fixed chicken food and got a dishpan full of little potatoes ready to can. Larry grilled porkchops so I prepared the vegetables to go with them. Then I helped him do chicken chores this afternoon. I'm pooped!
  13. Rambling Iris

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I found this on youtube. Enjoy.
  14. Rambling Iris

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Good morning! It's a dark and stormy morning here. It's so dark the chickens are still on the roost. I'm not motivated to do anything this morning, maybe later.
  15. Rambling Iris

    Coffee Club

    Good morning fellow coffee drinkers! It's dark and stormy here this morning, perfect for coffee drinking and relaxation. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  16. Rambling Iris

    The Old Folks Home

    Good morning OF! It's a dark and stormy morning not a good day to do anything outside. I think I will just sit here and relax.
  17. Rambling Iris

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Biscuits and gravy with bacon sounds like a good dinner to me!
  18. Rambling Iris

    Coffee Club

    Good morning to all of you! Hope everyone is having a great day. It's cool and cloudy here today, perfect for more coffee.
  19. Rambling Iris

    The Old Folks Home

    Good morning, OF! It's a cool cloudy day in our neck of the woods. Good day for a nap!
  20. Rambling Iris

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Larry got a lot done this morning but I think he over did it a little. He has already gone to bed. He will probably be on here in the middle of the night.
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