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  1. F

    Does my hoop coop need a frame?

    @paintedChix Thank you for sharing all your different hoop coop builds. I really appreciate the time you took to compile this.
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    Does my hoop coop need a frame?

    Very interesting! Do the cattle panels provide enough structural support for the front/back walls? What keeps the door frame from moving?
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    Does my hoop coop need a frame?

    This is great! Thank you so much for the help and inspiration.
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    Does my hoop coop need a frame?

    @StinkyAcres are your vertical supports anchored to anything (eg cement holes), or are they sort of free-standing in the garden bed?
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    Does my hoop coop need a frame?

    Awesome! This is exactly what I was looking for. I might use mine as a greenhouse when unoccupied, also! How did you attach your hoops to the "base"? It looks like your hoops are elevated a couple feet as well.
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    Does my hoop coop need a frame?

    It will be a spare coop. Probably a tarp in the winter, shade cloth in summer. Where would you add "lots of extra support"?
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    Hatchery Whiting True Blues

    Most of them feathered out in the colors predicted. They are much bigger/fluffier than leghorns. This one has an interesting "bib" pattern. If you squint, it almost looks like the bird in the first post.
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    Does my hoop coop need a frame?

    Are the pallets sufficient for a base frame? I know there are builds *like* this on YouTube, but this is my build. Question 2: How critical is it that the hoops are straight and level on the x- and y-axis? The pallets are mismatched and warped due to being free.
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    Does my hoop coop need a frame?

    This is sort of a slapdash build using whatever garbage I find on the side of the road. I have pallets held in place using t-posts, and two cattle panels hooped in the middle. I plan to add t-posts + pallets along the back and front, with one front pallet hinged for a door. I will bolt the...
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    cockerel or mange?

    No sign of parasites but I dusted it with permethrin just in case. Could it be a frizzle?
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    cockerel or mange?

    Very interesting, I had never heard of shredded feather before. It's hard to see from the photos and color pattern, but this bird is really scruffy.
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    cockerel or mange?

    This is a 10-week-old hamburg from McMurray hatchery. It's supposed to be a sexed pullet, but the feathers look odd to me. A neighbor says it looks like it might have mange 😳 What's up with this chicken?
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    Recreate the Producer's Price coop roof?

    It is a clever solution. I especially like the last suggestion of hanging gutters on the edges as bumpers/rain collection. Although, after thinking about what I would need to make the roof decapitation-proof, it seems like a regular wood+shingle roof would be the least amount of work. Same with...
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    Recreate the Producer's Price coop roof?

    I'm not opposed to metal roof, but I don't have a way to cut it. And this might sound stupid, but my coop is at about face level, and I have this irrational fear that one day I'll move too quickly and slice my head open on a metal edge.
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    Recreate the Producer's Price coop roof?

    Thank you for your input. I certainly don't want something that will mold and rot, but proper shingles are beyond my skill level. Like, I would probably put them on crooked. Yes, I was looking for something just like that! Peel-and-stick roof, sounds so simple. Just wanted to get a second...
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    Recreate the Producer's Price coop roof?

    bump... anyone have ideas on how to reproduce this roof?
  17. F

    Most sale-able rooster breed?

    Egg prices are downright cheap in the current year. I never got around to completing this project (sigh) but that's a great idea about the seramas. I'm surprised to hear that seramas are hard to breed and hatch. Aren't they basically like quail? Come to think of it, quail might be a good...
  18. F

    Chicken Tractor - electric predator deterrent

    If you have a tractor and a winch, maybe.
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