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  1. azygous

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    My fingers and brain glitched and I misstated the proportions of the flush solution. It should be one teaspoon molasses in one-fourth cup warm water.
  2. azygous

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound?

    @LaFleche mentioned her poop. I seem to have missed the photo if it's posted. If you see any dead worms in her poop, she is probably suffering shock from heavy worm load. What the worming med does is to sedate the worms in the intestines, then they die and are usually absorbed into the...
  3. azygous

    need help with this chicken

    Where are you located? Do you know if you have buck moth caterpillars? They have spines that are very toxic and if a chicken "tastes" it, the tongue can swell. The toxin quickly goes systemic and cause seizures. If you have children's liquid Benedryl you can try treating her with that. It's...
  4. azygous

    Not sure what’s wrong with my pullet. Canker?

    Canker is foul smelling and usually yellow and sticky, gumming up the mouth and throat. It's spread by wild pigeons. Those nodules look more like fowl pox. It's spread by mosquitoes.
  5. azygous

    broody hen!

    Do you have a large wire dog crate with an open mesh floor? We call this a broody cage. The objective is to install the broody hen in it with food and water but no nesting material, allowing for cooling air to flow under her. This will cool her body temp and interrupt the broody hormones. She...
  6. azygous

    Hen with Injured Leg

    It looks like she may have got her foot caught in something and where the scab is, it may be infected. It also appears that circulation may be poor to her toes. I wouldn't wait to buy the Epsom salts and get started on soaking it to improve circulation. When you do soak, add Dawn detergent to...
  7. azygous


    Swollen belly and twisted neck sounds like a victim of poisoning. Raspy voice sounds like a respiratory illness. Legs paralyzed and thrust forward sounds like one of the avian viruses. An antibiotic only works on bacteria. It won't do a thing for poisoning or a virus. You can try vitamin E and...
  8. azygous


    The only way to know for sure what is going on with these chicks is to take a very sick chick or a dead one to a state animal testing lab for a necropsy. Call you state agricultural office for the location of one nearest you. If this is a virus, Marek's is a possibility, an antibiotic will do...
  9. azygous


    There is a two week egg withdrawal for antibiotics. The reason for it is to prevent unnecessary exposure to antibiotics, causing resistance that renders the antibiotic less effective over time. So no, no real harm will befall you if you accidentally eat one of her eggs before the withdrawal...
  10. azygous

    Soft shelled egg and Impacted crop

    Here's your refresher. Use coconut oil chilled to avoid aspiration of oil. crop issues can be associated with egg binding when the blockage prevents digestive...
  11. azygous

    fatty liver symtoms or no?

    I watch what my flock eats like a hawk, and I severely ration the treats. Yet I still have a few hens that are much heavier than the others, carrying a pouch of fat behind the legs. This is often due to genetics and not poor diet. Your hen seems fine. Just keep on doing what you've been doing...
  12. azygous

    9 month old pullet very weak, not eating or drinking

    Yes, you may safely eat eggs from your flock.
  13. azygous

    9 month old pullet very weak, not eating or drinking

    It's hard to tell from the photos if the color is muddy. By "muddy" I mean the color looks like there's a film of dirt over it, muting the color. As the ocular tumors grow, the color dims to grey. Yes, it's possible for your cockatiel to get Marek's but not likely.
  14. azygous

    9 month old pullet very weak, not eating or drinking

    Here are all the labs in your state. Call the one closest. The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center Facebook Page Veterinary Medical Center Instagram Page...
  15. azygous

    9 month old pullet very weak, not eating or drinking

    I agree with @LaFleche that the eye is suspicious of possible ocular Marek's. Compare the colored part of the eye with her other one. Is the color of the right eye muddy? As the ocular tumors grow, the pupil shrinks and becomes small and very irregular. Marek's is lethal and this hen will...
  16. azygous

    Official BYC Poll: Do you use electrolytes in your chickens' water during the summer?

    No. I do not use electrolytes in my chickens' water in summer as a normal practice. I reserve the use of electrolytes for special circumstances only as overuse of electrolytes can result in electrolyte imbalances and electrolyte poisoning that can affect heart and kidneys and muscles. I always...
  17. azygous

    New girls in the house

    It's easy to train chickens to come to you when you give a signal. It's much easier and less stressful for your husband and the chickens than chasing them. Use the fly larvae as they are already addicted to that. While tossing a few in front of the chickens, use an audible cue. I have a clicker...
  18. azygous

    Bumblefoot Treatment

    If you got the solid pus kernel you've done the job. Depending on the extent of the swelling, it may never go down completely. You will know if you cleaned out the wound adequately if the new scab is paper thin and flat and a light brown color.
  19. azygous

    New girls in the house

    Close up the small coop and put the chickens into the other coop when night comes. If you wait until it's dark to put them in, they will stay. It shouldn't take more than two or three nights and they will be going in on their own.
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