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  1. woodworm

    Plants In The Chicken Run! A Mini Forest For Chickens!

    Just found this thread. Thanks for posting, I had always assumed I wouldn't be able to have plants in the run. I'm actually planning on extending the run at some point so I might start planting stuff now to get established and build round them.
  2. woodworm

    UK Member Please Say HI

    There is a charity called Fresh Start For Hens - they have a facebook group where people rehome their chickens. They don't allow you to charge for it. Not sure I've seen any hen swapping, but I'd imagine it's not against the rules. Facebook link
  3. woodworm

    New Coop Cams Now Streaming

    Nice - all chilling in the shade when I had a look. I like your bird feeder also.
  4. woodworm

    Introducing adult flocks

    Just in case anyone searches for a similar answer I thought I'd post an update. Took about a month for them all to mingle. The original RIR's are still 'top dog' but they all seem to get along and they are all roosting in the coop now.
  5. woodworm

    Suggestions for a coop camera that live streams to a desktop?

    I use Reolink. It has a desktop and phone app and saves recordings to an internal micro sd card, so no subscription. Works well for me.
  6. woodworm

    UK Law change - all bird keepers must register their birds with DEFRA

    Maybe I shouldn't have used 'law' in the title of the thread!
  7. woodworm

    UK Law change - all bird keepers must register their birds with DEFRA

    Yes. I should have added that we are already registered with DEFRA as my wife is a veterinarian (we still need to register our chooks). We just get lots of alerts regarding new cases and outbreaks, etc so I don't think it's anything to worry about.
  8. woodworm

    UK Law change - all bird keepers must register their birds with DEFRA

    Previously it was only if you had 50 or more birds, now it's everyone. This is supposedly to help with bird flu prevention measures. Sorry if it's already been posted - for the life of me I can't find the...
  9. woodworm

    Coop plans

    The one tweak I'd make is I would raise the height of the coop to 3 feet as you are going to need to get under it at some point, also it makes raking it out into a wheelbarrow much easier. edit - I'm assuming it's not a walk in coop :)
  10. woodworm

    Bark chips

    I've had chips in the run for just over 3 years and they have been great. I've rarely / never have to do any cleaning and don't have any problems with smell, etc. I did put down a few inches of them and I have a roof over my run which probably helps. I do have to rake them flat occasionally...
  11. woodworm

    Fencing for Garden

    Maybe a fruit cage or poly tunnel over the raised beds would be less work?
  12. woodworm

    Omlet Run Issues

    Presumably you could apply something, like a clear coat they use on vehicles to reduce the risk of this?
  13. woodworm

    Best run floor in a rainy area

    Metal roofing with 2 clear panels to let in light. The gutters collect water in a rain barrel for auto watering, but they definately help take water away from the run / coop.
  14. woodworm

    Omlet Run Issues

    Omlet have their own forums in the UK, though I'm not sure if this is official or not. edit - Omlet certainly charge enough of a premium to expect their products to have a longer lifespan than their 2 year warranty.
  15. woodworm

    Omlet Run Issues

    I'm not offended and well done on getting them to take notice - I hope the replacement lasts longer for you!
  16. woodworm

    Best run floor in a rainy area

    I'm also in Wales (North) - it rains a lot here (especially this year). I have a roof over my run with gutters both sides, however I did put down lots of wood chip. Doesn't smell and apart from raking back into place occassionally needs very little maintenance. If I didn't have a roof I may...
  17. woodworm

    Extra run for free ranging during the day

    Nice setup. Do you ever get issues with foxes with netting? I'm looking at building an extension on my run but the 'worrier' in me can't get away from hardware cloth.
  18. woodworm

    Omlet Run Issues

    Surely the paint is there to protect the poles from the rust. Honestly, if they think that's acceptable 30 miles from the coast maybe they should be stating their products aren't suitable in these areas. Not sure why they would expect you to buy another door from them now that you know it...
  19. woodworm

    Introducing adult flocks

    They don't roost together. A little while ago I'd built a new platform in the run about 12" high - the RIR have since taken to sleeping on that. I didn't really understand that as technically it's the lowest roost in the coop or run. They do go upto the coop to lay eggs and they will hang...
  20. woodworm

    Introducing adult flocks

    Hi everyone We have 3 ex batt's (RIR) in an enclosed coop (8 x 6 feet) and run (8 x 18 feet). A couple of weeks ago we were asked if we could give a home to 6 additional hens (2 x legbar, 2 x maran and 2 x unidentified hens, smaller than the others but not quite bantam size) - we believe they...
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