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  1. Ridgerunner

    Early hatch by broody

    It doesn't matter when they were laid, what is important is when incubation started. If incubation started on May 25, then I agree with your counting, the 21 days would be up Saturday June 15. Eggs can hatch one or two days early or late but yeah, it is way too early. Is it possible that...
  2. Ridgerunner


    Welcome to the forum. Glad you joined! I'll copy something I wrote about "medicated" feed a few years back. It is not exactly your situation but it will save me a lot of typing and go into detail to support what I'm going to say. Have your chicks been exposed to your soil? Unless they have...
  3. Ridgerunner

    Funny marked chick

    Please post some photos of how it feathers out in another 5 to 6 weeks. Those marks do not look like the typical chipmunk stripe. Should be interesting. When you breed a mutt you don't know what you will get. I'm not sure what the genetics will be with a black and white speckled longhorn...
  4. Ridgerunner

    A hen went broody and she has been sitting for a while.......

    You can do whatever you want but I would not do it like that. Some people are very successful with staggered hatches. They typically use one incubator for incubating and a separate incubator for hatching. Instead of starting eggs every day they save the eggs for a week or so. That way the...
  5. Ridgerunner

    Integrating pullets with existing, older chickens - should we build a temporary coop?

    How big in feet or meters is your coop? Do you have a photo showing what it looks like inside? To me it sounds like you don't have enough room in the coop for integration. To make specific suggestions I need to know what you are working with. So I'll stay generic. Free ranging but staying...
  6. Ridgerunner

    Question about rehoming a rooster.

    It will be a change. Sometimes chickens don't like change, sometimes it is welcome. Your pullets are not into puberty yet but are conscience of pecking order issues. That cockerel may or may not have hit puberty. That may affect the pecking order, maybe not. Sometimes when the pecking order...
  7. Ridgerunner

    Informal research poll on broodiness

    When I got my first chicks to start the flock I got them from Cackle. I kept two pullets each of Black Australorp, Delaware, Buff Orpington, and Speckled Sussex. I kept a Speckled Sussex rooster. Both BA's went broody their second year, none of the others did. In my opinion, if I had kept...
  8. Ridgerunner

    New Chicks

    You are the one looking at them, I'm not. Your risk tolerance is different from mine. I can't make that decision for you. I've had a pet cat and there are a few feral cats around. I've never had a problem with cats and chicks. Some people do, the risk from cats is certainly not zero...
  9. Ridgerunner

    Broody Vs non-broody lifespan

    I think all you will get on this is opinion. Somebody has to pay for studies and I don't know who would pay for a decades-long study on this topic. Commercial operations are the ones that typically pay for studies and they don't use broody hens or keep hens longer than two laying seasons...
  10. Ridgerunner

    New girls in the house

    How old are the new chickens? Are they mature enough to lay or still immature? Until they start to lay my pullets avoid the older hens as they are likely to get pecked if they get too close. My older ones leave them alone as long as they don't invade their personal space. That avoidance is...
  11. Ridgerunner

    Failed Broody Hen

    Why do you think the nest is too high? I've seen a hen get her chicks out of a 10 feet (3 meter) high hayloft. She said jump and they did, then ran to her. My hens regularly hatch in nests 2 feet or 4 feet above the coop floor. The hen has no problems getting them down when she is ready...
  12. Ridgerunner

    Safe to Put Chicks Outside?

    Yes, provided they can get out of a direct wind. I've had chicks younger than them go through nights in the mid 20's Fahrenheit with no supplemental heat. I don't anticipate they would have any problems.
  13. Ridgerunner

    How long is it okay for a hen to be broody?

    I would not. Not because your hen is going to die but because she is likely to break from being broody. Before a hen starts to lay she stores up excess fat. Most of that is in a fat pad in her pelvic area but more fat is scattered around her body. That excess fat is mostly what she lives on...
  14. Ridgerunner

    Roosters suddenly fighting

    Did you age him?
  15. Ridgerunner

    Failed Broody Hen

    Are you counting the days right? That's a common mistake on here. It takes 24 hours for the eggs to have one day's worth of development so you say "1" the day after you start them. One trick to check your counting. The day of the week you started the chicken eggs is the day of the week the...
  16. Ridgerunner

    Can these chicks be sexed yet??

    They can be if the mother is barred and the rooster is not. And the down is a color that you can see the spot. That does not apply just to olive eggers, that applies to every chicken out there. That's how you make Black Sex Links. Do you know that the mother was barred and the farther was...
  17. Ridgerunner

    Failed Broody Hen

    How big of a dog crate? Physical measurements? You need room for a nest, food, water, and a small bit more. A broody hen should know by instinct to not poop in her nest but the food and water are fair game. That means you'll need access to clean the food and water. I'd wait until the hen...
  18. Ridgerunner

    Roosters suddenly fighting

    Too bad you didn't ask us how to cook an old rooster. They don't have to be tough but you need to know how to handle them. Sorry you had that problem but glad you handled it.
  19. Ridgerunner

    bantam chicken 3 weeks old

    Looking at comb development and posture this one could be a male. I can't see how heavy the legs are with those feathered feet. It is still too early to tell for sure. You might post more photos at 5 weeks. A photo showing a close-up of the head so we can see comb and wattles (if any) and a...
  20. Ridgerunner

    Compact soil in Chicken Yard: Material Ideas

    Is this area actively eroding away in rainstorms? Do you need to do erosion control? One concern is that anything you put down may wash away. Never say never. Anything is possible. A piece of space junk could fallout of the sky and hit your house this afternoon. That happened to somebody...
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