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  1. Torisgloomyplace

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    Hiiii. Any updates on the eggs?
  2. Torisgloomyplace

    Rose's tiny flock

    Oh my soul too cute. They grow up so fast.
  3. Torisgloomyplace

    Rose's tiny flock

    Aw sweeeeeet
  4. Torisgloomyplace

    What is, in your opinion, the friendliest chicken breed?

    Oh wow that’s impressive. I have three silkie hens and one Xhosa hen and I get about two eggs every two days form them ❤️
  5. Torisgloomyplace

    What is, in your opinion, the friendliest chicken breed?

    My lohmann browns that I raised from baby’s are the sweeties girls to me they like cuddles and to jump on me they are however quite aggressive towards other chickens but that might just be my flock. Silkies are also very sweet but not great layers
  6. Torisgloomyplace

    New member first time hen and duck owner

    Welcome to BYC! Glad that you joined us :welcome :frow :wee
  7. Torisgloomyplace

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    Good plan. If you haven’t seen any signs of aggression then they should be fine mom should protect her baby. But I don’t know your flock so you’ll have to observe and do what you think is fit. It seems like Lacey wants to be with the flock.
  8. Torisgloomyplace

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    What day are they on? Because usually you’d give chicks till about day 24. So if they’ve past that you can give them a candle if you want to or you can just wait for the mom to leave the nest
  9. Torisgloomyplace

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    Aw good. I’m glad the little ones alive. I’m not too sure. I think so since she wouldn’t hear chirping. Have they pipped? Do you hear or feel movement?
  10. Torisgloomyplace


    Aw amazing!
  11. Torisgloomyplace

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    Oh dear. Shame. Then you’ll have to just wait and see. I’m sure it’s okay 🫂
  12. Torisgloomyplace

    What is this?

    Good luck with your hens. My girl’s recovered i think about after a week of being cleaned with iodine water mix every day.
  13. Torisgloomyplace

    What is this?

    Could you please send some more pictures? It could be foul pox but it doesn’t quite look like how my hens did. When my hens had foul pox I cleaned their sores with iodine mixed with water afew times day. You could try that untill get you a solid answer. 🫂
  14. Torisgloomyplace

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    Maybe just carefully lift up her chest abit or carefully slide your hand under her to see if chirping starts?
  15. Torisgloomyplace

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    Hens will typically stay sitting for about 24 hours after chicks are born and then start slowly taking them out. The chickies should okay under her. How many eggs was she sitting on? Because there might just be taking some time to hatch and that’s why she’s still sitting :] if you are very...
  16. Torisgloomyplace


    Heeelllooooooo. Welcome to BYC! :welcome
  17. Torisgloomyplace

    New Here

    Hiiiiii. Welcome to BYC! :welcome :frow
  18. Torisgloomyplace

    New member

    Greetings. Welcome to BYC! :welcome :frow
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