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  1. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    Yesterday I ran another row of trellising on the tomatoes. I had to stand on a milk crate this time. That will be as high as I trellis. Any taller they will flop over and keep going. I'm only 5 ft tall! :lol: You can see in the photo my potato foliage is dying back. Will be digging these...
  2. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    Would maybe wrapping the threads with pipe tape help fill the difference? If needed add a bit of caulk? Or plumbers putty?
  3. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    I worked in the garden yesterday. It was a very hot day! I picked more blueberries and a Black Krim tomato. Added some stuff to the compost bin. LOTS of volunteers in the bin. My compost is ALIVE! 😂 Should be seeing blooms on the greenbeans soon. The plants in front of the green beans are...
  4. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    I done this with carrots, melons, squash, and zinnias. These were all directly seeded in the ground.
  5. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    Have you tried laying a board across newly planted seed after you water them in? You have to keep it checked and remove the board as soon as you see sprouts. I do this sometimes if I'm having problems getting seed started. It helps to keep the moisture more consistant.
  6. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    I've always wonder how potatoes would do as a fall crop. If you do this, keep me posted on how they do!
  7. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    I have well water. The well is beside the garden so when I have to water it comes straight from the ground no added anything. I drink this water and never had a problem keeping tropical fish. I never had to treat my water for the aquariums. In my case at least, there is no added chemicals. I...
  8. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    I was about to head down to pick the blueberries. I heard thunder and now it's raining. We also had some showers last night. We need this rain. Will not have to water the garden or flowers today! :ya Is it just me or does anyone else notice more and better growth with natural rainfall vs...
  9. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    We are supposed to be getting some rain tonight. I hope we get a good bit or I will have to water tomorrow. Time to check the blueberries again. I've been picking some every 2-3 days.
  10. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    Thankfully the rain did not beat up the garden too bad. I did have to wrap some bean vines back on the trellis. Tomatoes are starting to get tall so I pushed some vines into the weaving. I noticed something ate the top of a few zinnia seedlings. I suspect an insect.
  11. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    Rained almost all day yesterday. Several heavy down pours into the evening. More coming today. The flowers just planted look good. I will go down to the garden shortly and check on things. Hope it didn't beat things up too bad. :fl
  12. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    We are getting rain today and probably tomorrow. Thankful to see it! Yesterday I planted 30 small pots of mostly cleome, vinca and petunias I grew out from seed. Still have more to plant. Back and wrist are sore this morning so won't be planting today.
  13. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    I've not yet seen a tomato worm or a squash bug but I've been looking. I have seen a few earwigs. They are evil looking creatures. My melons, pumpkins and butternut squash have just started coming up. I have a few sunflowers and zinnias seeded there that have broken through as well. We've had...
  14. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    Yesterday I planted seeds for watermelon, canteloupe, pie pumpkins, butternut squash, sunflowers and zinnias. Planted a few marigolds in with the melons to stand guard on the root knot nematode invasion. I had a helper yesterday. My favorite pea picker! He helped me pick these.
  15. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    I started them under LEDs in Feb. They get potted up and moved to the greenhouse when they don't fit my plant light set up. Just have to keep a watch on the weather because my greenhouse is not heated. I like them to be in 1 gal pots when I put them in the ground. I dig deeply and bury an...
  16. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    We had a tiny shower yesterday and today. Wasn't much but I'll take it. Supposed to be getting more. It was so dry all week I spent a lot of time watering. Hope to plant some watermelons, canteloupe, pumpkins and butternut squash this week. I think I'll be picking peas in the next day or...
  17. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    Purple hull peas, bell peppers and a few more marigolds are planted. Still got to plant the cayenne. Green pea pods are swelling with peas. No sign of mildew yet. I know it's coming always does as the humidity starts to get bad. Hope I can get a few pickings before it gets them. I still need...
  18. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    Yesterday I started working on the rows for peppers and purple hull peas. I have cayenne and bell pepper plants I started from seed. They are ready to be planted. My yellow squash, butterbeans, green beans and a few slicing cucumbers have sprouted. The zucchini has not. It is supposed to get...
  19. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    I spent most of the past week working on the garden. Did a lot of watering as it was very warm and dry all week. I set seed for green beans, butterbeans, cucumber, yellow squash and zucchini. Planted french marigolds in various places around the garden to help with those dang root knot...
  20. NanaK

    Your 2024 Garden

    The rain missed us. I think I might have seen 20 drops and the wind has howled. So today I will water. Hope the winds let up. Still getting strong gusts.
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