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  • Users: MROO
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  1. MROO

    Culling older birds?

    A three year old hen with no eggs for a year? Before you start weeding out low-producers, you may want to do a parasite check. What breed is she? Even the production mixes, like the stars or comets, will continue laying past the 18 month commercial culling point. They just slow down some...
  2. MROO

    Non sequitur haikus

    I now realize that aging's not my problem. It's those side effects! :old
  3. MROO

    Non sequitur haikus

    Do not panic yet. When we have livestock, sometimes we have deadstock, too.
  4. MROO

    Non sequitur haikus

    The song resonates, reverberates in my mind. Music fills my soul.
  5. MROO

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I can confirm! "Shizzlesticks" was the one and only curse word my grandmother would utter ... and she was born in 1900!
  6. MROO

    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    My smallest rooster is "top dog," so his name is Little Big Man!
  7. MROO

    Ratio of Hens to Roosters- Should I add more hens?

    Y'know, there's a universal (chicken-) mathematical answer. The answer is ALWAYS to "get more hens." :plbb
  8. MROO

    Any Clue what these Silkie/Satins are ???

    It's definitely worth trying. Keep us posted!
  9. MROO

    Will rabbits get worms?

    Yes to both questions. There are lots of rabbit wormers available online and at your local feed store. If you want to be specific, you can take a poo-sample to your vet for a float test. Sometimes your Ag extension service offers the service as well, but either way, it's not usually too expensive.
  10. MROO

    4 week old bunnies

    You're not playing fair! Four week old bunny posts require PHOTOS!!! :bun:bun:bun
  11. MROO

    Any Clue what these Silkie/Satins are ???

    Definitely a Silkie mix. Going by the poofy back on the hen, I'd venture to guess there's some Cochin in there, too. Regardless of the mix (and to me, they look like mixes, not a breed,) they're VERY striking. That's a lucky find!
  12. MROO

    Non sequitur haikus

    We had gen-yoo-ine, honest-to-goodness ICE sheets. Spring is quite confused!
  13. MROO

    Non sequitur haikus

    Maryland April. It's supposed to be Springtime. ICE ON MY WINDSHIELD!
  14. MROO

    Non sequitur haikus

    After equinox, there's always One. More. Big. Storm. Winter's Last Hurrah.
  15. MROO

    Non sequitur haikus

    Spring's peace is over. Just smashed my first mosquito. And so it begins ...
  16. MROO


    Check with your local 4H chapter. They'll have the laws translated from legalese into real English.
  17. MROO

    Non sequitur haikus

    Big-Dog sat staring for fifteen solid minutes ... Just discovered SQUIRRELS!
  18. MROO

    Not sure if chicken or turkey

    I was just thinking that the little one looks like a Golden Sebright. The red forehead is pretty distinctive for them.
  19. MROO

    Non sequitur haikus

    I SO feel your chills. I want my flip-flops back, NOW! Come ON, Summer sun!
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