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  1. Chicken_tiger_catt

    Week old quail pecking at food but missing

    what bedding do you use? could it be splay leg? you should try a chicken chair, to both help with balance and reaching food.
  2. Chicken_tiger_catt

    Shrink wrapped?

    you could gently remove the eggshell, once you are CERTAIN there is no more veins or yolk to be absorbed.
  3. Chicken_tiger_catt

    All black barred rock at 8 weeks.

    they don't typically grow so long that you would notice them, but both hens and roosters can have leg spurs, and I know a few Rhode Island Red hens who have them. they still give me between 6 and 7 eggs a week each, and I have a half Plymouth named Uno that I hatched from one a few weeks ago!
  4. Chicken_tiger_catt

    Eggs didn’t hatch

    the weather probably had something to do with it.
  5. Chicken_tiger_catt

    Complete novice!

    Have you posted pictures in the “what breed/ gender?” Forum?
  6. Chicken_tiger_catt

    How to sell them?

    By the way, are you in central Ohio?
  7. Chicken_tiger_catt

    Complete novice!

    Cool! Do you know what breed?
  8. Chicken_tiger_catt

    How to sell them?

    No. There’s a buying and selling form on here, but I posted about wanting to sell 3 ducks and a rooster ( Rhode Island Red), and nobody has offered to buy them. I was actually thinking about posting on Facebook Marketplace next.
  9. Chicken_tiger_catt


    well, somehow this thing's still alive. going to check on it again after school.
  10. Chicken_tiger_catt

    Does anyone know gender and breed of these three😁❓ please help✨

    not sure but if I had a guess..... baby one looks like a Polish baby two is probably a Maran baby three is something crested, maybe a Legbar, or maybe some kind of mixed breed Polish. too early to tell gender.
  11. Chicken_tiger_catt

    New here

    what do you look for in a chicken? Plymouth Barred Rocks are a good breed to start with. in terms of coops, I would recommend making one out of pallets.
  12. Chicken_tiger_catt

    Secret chicken lover

    heh. I have autism, and the amount of times I need to stop myself from explaining to a random stranger why they should have Plymouth and Easter Egg over Rhode Island Red............. lol.
  13. Chicken_tiger_catt

    Chick losing feathers on crop and has scab

    how is it being housed? any rough floors it could have scratched itself on?
  14. Chicken_tiger_catt

    What do I call this duckling?

    Not sure what breed it would be, but you should call them Lucky or Clover or something, if they don’t have a name.
  15. Chicken_tiger_catt

    What's my breed please ?'

    Not sure, but the last 4 pictures look like they could be Legbar. I think the silly looking black and white one is a frizzle Polish.
  16. Chicken_tiger_catt

    Help on this day 8 egg

    Not too promising, but I think you should keep it in just in case.
  17. Chicken_tiger_catt


    I just went out, saw one of my quail roosters biting another quail. The other quail is ok, but it’s head was bleeding. I think the problem rooster is another suspect……. He is locked up on his own now. I believe it was a territorial fight, but he is the only aggressive one I’ve seen so far. The...
  18. Chicken_tiger_catt

    What is everyone's hobby?

    well......(talks about chickens and screenwriting and 3d printing for six hours straight)
  19. Chicken_tiger_catt

    Best Age to Sell Roosters?

    local auction? I never thought of that! I'm gonna go sell some ducks now ;)
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