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  1. Eggcessive

    laying hen unable to walk / standing on one foot. help needed!

    Look for swelling or green bruising, and any small cut on the skin of the entire leg. If an injury can be located, sometimes a padded splint for a couple of weeks can help if it is fractured. A xray would be helpful. Confine her to a wire dog crate or pen to restrict her from trying to jump on a...
  2. Eggcessive

    Wart on beak?

    Yes, that is a common spot for an injury that may form a little abscess or sore. Some think it can also be a virus. Personally, I would leave it alone until it drops off. Look around for any sharp areas the chicken is possibly sticking it’s beak into, such as a sharp feeder or wire fencing.
  3. Eggcessive

    Wry Neck & Immobility: When is it time to give up?

    Do you know how the chicken was injured? Or could the chick just have a vitamin E or B1 (thiamine) deficiency. How is the chick doing at this time. You can position the chick with wash cloths or towels, or place it in a homemade chick sling. Try dipping it’s beak into some electrolyte or sugar...
  4. Eggcessive

    Five week old chick with twisted leg

    I would wait and see. I don’t automatically cull a chicken if they have problems, but I don’t want one to suffer. There was a chick once written about here on BYC called Cleopatra, who had a valgus leg deformity. The owner thought it was a slipped tendon at first. She let her be and she grew...
  5. Eggcessive

    Chicken off her feet

    How old is she? I would give Norma a human calcium citrate tablet with vitamin D orally once a day for the next 7 days, to help make her shells harden and to help her push out the eggs. You can also offer some human vitamin B complex 1/2 tablet daily in food. Is she getting a layer feed and...
  6. Eggcessive

    Now what? Poison ivy??

    I just got over a bout with severe poison ivy even though I washed it off with soap and water after a half hour. It lasts 2-3 weeks, and many have to get a methylprednisolone (medrol) dose pack, a corticosteroid, from a doctor in severe cases. It helps right away. Don’t handle your chickens and...
  7. Eggcessive

    First Time For Chicken Having Worms

    If you have any pictures of the worms it would help. If it is maggots from fly strike , you would need to check her vent area for any. They can eat her flesh. If it is tapeworms segments we can suggest a wormer, such as Equimax horse paste 0.16 ml given once and again in 14 days.
  8. Eggcessive


    How many chickens do you have? How long have they been drinking it? You can either just mix some new or you could add enough water to what you have mixed if they haven’t drunk much. It is supposed to be mixed fresh daily. A TB contains 3 tsp, so you have mixed 6 tsp in a gallon, which is 3 times...
  9. Eggcessive

    Advice on reintroducing chicks after Illness

    From the description of symptoms, your chickens may be dealing with MG a chronic respiratory disease. Everyone in the flock should be assumed to have been exposed, although just a few had symptoms. I would close your flock for any birds going out or coming into the flock. When you put the...
  10. Eggcessive

    Bantam D’uccle acting weird.

    She doesn’t need a nest box to be broken from bloodiness. My broody breaking pen is on the ground in a 6x7 cage about 5 feet tall. It has a dirt floor and is outside and covered. I put a 2x3 inch roost in it. They spend a lot of time on the roost bar the first day or two, and then about 3 more...
  11. Eggcessive

    Bantam D’uccle acting weird.

    Be cautious so that she doesn’t peck the younger birds.
  12. Eggcessive

    Not laying

    Usually they will molt the first time around 16-18 months old, and then once a year after. Stress can lead to a molt. But I don’t see much feather loss yet. Usually they will come out in clumps, and the tail and neck feathers can be seen coming out first.
  13. Eggcessive

    Chick with eyes stuck shut?

    She has conjunctivitis (pink eye.) That can be due to mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG, CRD) or something very irritating to her eyes, such as ammonia fumes from droppings. I would go ahead and treat for possible MG. Flush her eyes with saline or eye wash, and use a warm wet compress to moisten the...
  14. Eggcessive

    Not laying

    She is probably starting her yearly molt, which they drop and regrow their feathers, and they stop laying eggs until the molt is finished.
  15. Eggcessive

    Help!! how do I do an olive oil enema?

    If your chicken is constipated or having a crop problem, many give coconut oil chilled and cut into pieces to offer the chicken, about 1-2 tsp per day. A tsp of mineral oil mixed into some egg or watery feed would give a similar result. The emergency flushes that Dawg referred to above are given...
  16. Eggcessive

    Help!! how do I do an olive oil enema?

    You do not want to give a chicken an enema, since it can flush fecal bacteria up into the oviduct, and that can result in a reproductive infection.
  17. Eggcessive

    Bantam D’uccle acting weird.

    D’uccles as other bantams, may go broody a couple of times a month. Break her in a wire dog crate with food and water, and place a roost in there if possible. But do try to get her eating some cooked egg, mushy wet chicken feed made fresh daily, and check her crop each morning when it should be...
  18. Eggcessive

    Prevention for egg perintosis?

    Sorry for your loss. If you feed a layer type chicken feed and have crushed oyster shell available in a separate container, the hens are getting enough calcium. Calcium citrate with D3 is given to a hen who is egg bound to help her pass the egg. Hens with soft shells are given calcium for up to...
  19. Eggcessive

    Droopy and cloudy eye of chicken

    Can you get a picture of the eyeball? She may have been pecked in her eye which injured it. Does she have any drainage or pus from the eye?
  20. Eggcessive

    Coccidiosis Questions and Concerns PLEASE REPLY!

    Are your chickens getting outside on grass to free range? It helps for them to be on grass roaming, and having access to dry areas. They will develop gradual tolerance to coccidia in the soil. Have you had a necropsy to confirm coccidiosis? Toltrazuril is another treatment for coccidiosis. It is...
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