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  1. chickmes

    Am I The Problem? Rooster Talk

    I am fairly new to raising roosters I've only had two. Chuck and now Charlie. Both Rhode Island Reds. Chuck died. I have no idea why, my best guess was he got food stuck, but he gave me Charlie. I raised Charlie from an egg and spent a lot of time with him as a teenager. I pick him straight up...
  2. chickmes

    All my chicks are dead

    I am so sorry!! 😭 It makes sense to feel grief over your loss. I hope you can recover soon. It was a horrible accident. 💝
  3. chickmes

    Chicks foot is dying/vet? (Pictures)

    I'm not able to answer the question, but my heart goes out to you and I :lovethink you're amazing for trying.
  4. chickmes

    Two Roo's or is there a chance?

    Is it the color or comb, or both?
  5. chickmes

    Hello chicken friends can you help me identify these little cuties?

    I was told they were Cuckoo Marin and Buff Orpington and because you agree Rhode Island red. 🤗
  6. chickmes

    Hello chicken friends can you help me identify these little cuties?

    I can never get far enough away from the red light. :D
  7. chickmes

    Weekly growth ameraucana chicks

    They are beautiful. 🩵🩵🩵
  8. chickmes

    Do chickens pass from natural causes (old age)? Sadly, it looks like you're right. This was a sweet article so I'm sharing it for you and your beautiful Isa Brown. 💝
  9. chickmes

    Weekly growth ameraucana chicks

    Let's see an egg!! :fl:wee
  10. chickmes

    Molting and corid

    I hope you can figure it out soon. I am new,1 year old chicken Mama, so I'm following and concerned for your rescues. I hope you get it solved. 💝🐔
  11. chickmes

    Molting and corid

    I never thought every little thing would cause me to worry, but here I am. lol 😘🐔
  12. chickmes

    Hen losing Feather all over, losing weight, not eating much,,,what is it?!

    Thank you, I hope she regains some status as she is terrified to rejoin the other girls and she was my top mean girl. I'll never secretly hope a mean mama gets a little of her own medicine ever again. This has been rough. 💖
  13. chickmes

    Hen losing Feather all over, losing weight, not eating much,,,what is it?!

    Thanks for your reply here she is..
  14. chickmes

    Hen losing Feather all over, losing weight, not eating much,,,what is it?!

    I was told to put down d.e. in there food as a dewormer. ugh! Molting hard started afterwards, and I have what was the top of the pecking order hen, now skinny and running for cover. I'm keeping her separated from the flock all day and putting her with them at night because she's willing to hide...
  15. chickmes

    Molting and corid

    Mine are molting bad too. I'm here searching for answers. Why corid? I have it on hand, but I don't know why to use it. I'll keep searching.
  16. chickmes

    How to repel flys.

    Lavendar plants!! 🥳🥳🥳 I had a terrible time with Flys. I have a 12x24 foot coop and on on side I placed in pots 10 med size Lavendar plants and the Flys are nearly gone. It's a miracle for me and for them🥰🥰!!
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