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  1. MamaPoult

    Official BYC Poll: What Is Your Least Favorite Thing About Keeping Chickens?

    Oh man!! That is hilarious!! I have never tried the electrolytes but will now! We are off grid so I just use a little one gallon plastic water dish and go out there every hour or so to refill it with hot water. I use lots of straw too. We canned the salmon row from the summer and heat it up to...
  2. MamaPoult

    Help with ideas for cluttering a run:

    I use old kennels and a few plastic igloo dog houses I have laying around.
  3. MamaPoult

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    One of my favorite quotes: Don't argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you through experience.
  4. MamaPoult

    Official BYC Poll: What Is Your Least Favorite Thing About Keeping Chickens?

    Oooh wow! That as cold as here! Our average winter is about constant -20! I didn't know Iowa could get so cold! If you have any cold weather hacks for keeping your chickens warm I'd love to share any I have!
  5. MamaPoult

    Official BYC Poll: What Is Your Least Favorite Thing About Keeping Chickens?

    I hate it when they get sick. I feel bad for the bird and to be honest I get very emotional:(
  6. MamaPoult

    Official BYC Poll: Are Chickens Easier or Harder To Raise Than Dogs/Cats?

    You know my chickens require more attention then my dog :confused: 😂
  7. MamaPoult

    North to Alaska!

    I know this thread is old but is anyone still here??? I am from The Denali area😄
  8. MamaPoult

    Looking for good books to read

    Can you give us a hint of your age? I read a ton but am a teenager so we might not like the same stuff:confused:
  9. MamaPoult

    Is this normal behavior??!!

    Interesting! No I do not plan to! The guys operation was a complete circus and his birds are not well taken care of but it was too late to back out once we realized what a joke it was.
  10. MamaPoult

    Is this normal behavior??!!

    Oh ok! Thank you this had been very helpful. I am needing a good sweet and protective roo for my girls so my standards are set pretty high.
  11. MamaPoult

    I'm so darn proud of you Yams🥳

    I'm so darn proud of you Yams🥳
  12. MamaPoult

    What's the temperature where you are???

    A short summary of Alaska: It is sunny and seventy with no clouds in the sky and you hang your laundry out on the clothes line. Next thing you know the sky's black and it starts hailing then down pouring. Guess the clothes got an extra rinse:D! The End.
  13. MamaPoult

    Is this normal behavior??!!

    Interesting! Ok thank you! I have narrowed my breeds down. I think I have black jersey giants, Australorps and possibly Lavender Orpingtons!?? I was hoping to keep a rooster from this batch but am having second thoughts😕
  14. MamaPoult

    Is this normal behavior??!!

    Hello byc friends! So I bought thirty 1 month old chicks about a month ago now and I have some behavioral concerns. When they were delivered to me (My Dad picked them up) they had the most severe case of coccidiosis I've ever seen, they were clearly malnourished, dirty and scared to absolute...
  15. MamaPoult

    Question of the Day - Monday, June 3rd, 2024

    I do! Western!
  16. MamaPoult

    YES YARMER:barnie

    YES YARMER:barnie
  17. MamaPoult

    Than I..will.... umm..... Addicted help!!!

    Than I..will.... umm..... Addicted help!!!
  18. MamaPoult

    I am very well!

    I am very well!
  19. MamaPoult

    Addicted has started a new trend! If someone says that on your pf the rule is you have to come...

    Addicted has started a new trend! If someone says that on your pf the rule is you have to come back with like a sentence of lyrics to a song😂
  20. MamaPoult

    Turkey poult dying please help

    I am so sorry😔. You must be devastated. Thanks for the tag😊
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