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  1. H

    We bought a Coop!

    That sounds pretty good! I'll be putting my 6 in a box in the bathroom for the first day, so I can keep the ambient room temperature around 80, and adjust it down every few hours. After a few days-week?, I'll transfer them to a 5x5 pet tent. I didn't buy grit. They only had 25 pound bags! On...
  2. H

    We bought a Coop!

    Congrats! Have you decided where to brood the chicks, heat source, etc?
  3. H

    New Coop and Chicken Introductions

    Oh, I didn't see this last night. They should have been okay assuming that they could see each other, but not mingle. How did it go?
  4. H

    How do you thin the herd?

    I was wondering about visiting chicken keeping friends... Am I likely to track pathogens home to my flock?
  5. H

    New Coop and Chicken Introductions

    Hi Betty, Can you put up fencing between the different groups, so they can see each other for a while, to get used to the new dynamic?
  6. H

    What is, in your opinion, the friendliest chicken breed?

    That's good to know! I heard it helps to approach them from the side so they don't think you're a predator, so at first I'll use a small box with a high side opening, and then after a week or so I'll put them in a pet tent. I'll probably end up with chickens running everywhere.😄
  7. H

    First time with onions and garlic - Questions

    I stand corrected. Thanks.
  8. H

    First time with onions and garlic - Questions

    Yes! The scape is the undeveloped flower of the garlic plant. They are so yummy when young. If you let them grow, they will make garlic seeds at maturity, but there will be hardly any bulb to speak of. Cut it off early, so that the plant pushes all it's energy into the garlic bulb, if you want...
  9. H

    First time with onions and garlic - Questions

    I'd take them now, while they are tender.
  10. H

    First time with onions and garlic - Questions

    If your scapes are ready now, your bulbs should be ready by the mid-end of July. Harvest one mid July, and judge it.
  11. H

    What is, in your opinion, the friendliest chicken breed?

    That would be so disappointing. I'm sorry it worked out that way. I've got 3 BO's on order, along with 3 barred rocks, as one day old chicks, near the end of June. I have never had chickens, and these seemed to be the most Grandchild friendly breeds? Maybe when I have a year under my belt, I...
  12. H

    Do I need to glue flooring down?

    Perfect, thanks. That's what I'm aiming for.
  13. H

    Do I need to glue flooring down?

    Hi aart, I was planning to install vinyl over the floor in my new coop. At this stage the floor surface is just plywood boards. What is your floor surface made from?
  14. H

    Testing the brooder plate

    Wonderful. How many chicks do you have? I have 6 on order.
  15. H

    Testing the brooder plate

    Thanks! How old are your chicks and how many do you have?
  16. H

    Testing the brooder plate

    Good idea. You folks got snow, didn't you? Good to hear they are doing well in the coop at that age.
  17. H

    Testing the brooder plate

    How do you tell if your heat plate/brooder plate is functioning properly? My chicks are coming in 4 weeks, so I ordered a brooder plate made by NestCozy...
  18. H

    Quick question on measuring roof ventilation

    "1/4-inch hardware cloth is not as strong as 1/2-inch. I'd stick with the 1/2"." We used 1/4" for the base, under the floor. I hope it holds. I'll get 1/2" for the rest of the project. Thanks again.
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