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  • Users: NatJ
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  1. NatJ

    Identify chicks?

    Can you post a picture of the EE hen? The chick with white barring is a male. He is the son of the Cream Legbar, unless the EE has white barring, in which case he could be her son instead. Any chick that grows a crest of feathers on its head, must have a parent with a crest of feathers on the...
  2. NatJ

    With attached run, is it essential or not to shut and lock coop chicken door at night?

    During the night when the chickens are sleeping inside the coop, having the chicken door open will probably not change whether a predator breaks into the run or not. Some predators are active in the early morning. Chickens in the run might encourage a predator to try to break in. If the...
  3. NatJ

    Comb questions

    Chicks will probably have combs that look sort-of like a buttercup comb. I've read that some chicks may look like they have a single comb, even when they do inherit the V-comb gene from one parent. These chicks should get the genes for V comb, pea comb, and rose comb. At a guess, it will...
  4. NatJ

    What kind of bantam?

    I agree, that looks like a male comb. Apparently I was wrong about seeing female coloring in the feathers. The breast is definitely showng some black now, but not either single color that would clearly tell the sex of the chick.
  5. NatJ

    Ayam Cemani Test Breeding

    I thought all the answers were in this thread somewhere, if you read all the way through it. If not, please say which particular bit you were asking about, because I see several points in the part you quoted. I can answer some of them, and maybe point you toward answers for the bits I don't...
  6. NatJ

    My little one.

    I agree with you that the comb looks suspicious. But I have been fooled by photos of pullets that have bigger combs than I expected, that I mistook for cockerels. I think Lavender Orpingtons have done it more often than other breeds. So I'm not sure either way in this case. For most kinds of...
  7. NatJ

    Two brooders, should I combine?

    Yes. With Barred Rocks and a few similar breeds, males have more white than females. As I look at the newest pictures, the male definitely does have a bigger comb than his sister, and his comb is redder, and he also has much more white in his feathers. So that makes a pretty good set of...
  8. NatJ

    Two brooders, should I combine?

    The comb is big and red, compared to what I would expect in a female. The sun may make it look more or less red, but is not going to change the size. What breed or mix is that chick? A few specific breeds and mixes can also be sexed by the color of their feathers, and if he happens to be one of...
  9. NatJ

    Two brooders, should I combine?

    He is definitely male, with that much red comb at that age. To me, that sounds like the best thing to do in this situation.
  10. NatJ

    Egg color changes: a pink egg instead of blue/olive.

    That does sound like she was laying a blue or green egg before her winter break. I'll be curious to hear what you find out!
  11. NatJ

    Manual cervical dislocation, easier than expected

    The killing method will probably not matter much. No video, but here's a method that works for me: Kill the chicken. Wait for the body to stop flapping around. Cut off the feet, through the joint where the bare skin meets the feathery area. Pinch up a bit of skin on the belly area, and poke a...
  12. NatJ

    What age should I get?

    No barring (no light dot on top of the head.) I just wanted to check that, since solid black chicks and white-barred black chicks can look the same from the side when they are that young. It is common for black chickens to have some white in their wing feathers when they are young, then grow...
  13. NatJ

    Blue Jersey Giants or Australorps? Hmm

    The seller may have sorted the colors before selling, so you didn't get any splashes and not many bluesblacks. If someone breeds splash to black, all the chicks will be blue. If the adults in the photos all looked blue, then that is probably not what happened with yours, but otherwise it is the...
  14. NatJ

    Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

    That one might get more red/brown as it grows older, especially if it is a male. I'll be curious to see pictures of it in another month or two, assuming it survives that long.
  15. NatJ

    What age should I get?

    That is definitely one possibility. Can you take a picture of the top of the black ones from the top? If they have yellow or white dots on top of their heads they will have white barring in their feathers. If they do not have dots on their heads, they will probably grow up to be black or mostly...
  16. NatJ

    Need help sexing!

    Thanks for updating! Videos have to be posted somewhere else (like youtube) and then you can put a link in your post to the video.
  17. NatJ

    Brooder Box- incandescent vs heat light

    You're welcome!
  18. NatJ

    introducing chicks to one Hen

    I've heard of that. The idea is that they all wake up together and think they've always been together. In practice, not even chickens are that stupid. They know whether those birds are familiar or not. But they may do some "talking" during the night (clucking) when it is too dark to see and...
  19. NatJ

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If you are sure you want to break her broodiness, I think a wire-bottom dog crate or cage is better than a place she can have a nest. But there is a lot to be said for trying what you have available, and then deciding whether you need to do anything else!
  20. NatJ

    Who's my mommy?

    Yes, that is a very nice lineup! That seems likely to me too. If so, that would account for two of her 3 chicks. Yes, there definitely is!
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