
Black Sex Link chicken

Black sex-link (also called Black Stars) are a cross between a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Light brown
Breed Temperament
Docile, friendly
Breed Colors/Varieties
Black with Orange Penciling in the hackle
Breed Size
Large Fowl

Black sex-link (also called Black Stars) are a cross between a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire rooster and a Barred Rock hen. Both sexes hatch out black, but the males have a white dot on their heads. Pullets feather out black with some red in neck feathers. Males feather out with the Barred Rock pattern along with a few red feathers. Black Sex-Links are often referred to as Rock Reds or Black Stars. They are planned crosses, which are hardier and more productive than their parents' respective breeds. The Sex Link Hybrid is the result of crossing two purebred standard breeds. This hybrid makes for very vigorous chicks, rugged brown egg laying hens and good cockerel fryers. These are extremely high in demand from our Asian community. Black Sex Links lay brown eggs.

Latest reviews

very nice birds
Pros: chicken-oriented, forms bonds with other chickens
Cons: none really
my black sexlink is very food obsessed, she loves her crumble. She has a few BFFs in the flock, Vicky, who passed away, Flo, and Phyllis. She likes humans, but is more a chicken "person". She likes the older chickens more than the annoying young ones. She is not that picky about what she eats, which is good. She is not vocal at all.
Purchase Price
Around $4.00 from a local breeder
Purchase Date
March 2019
Pros: Good layers of large brown eggs
Lovely plumage
Great foragers
Very people friendly
Cons: Egg production slows down after 2 or 3 years
Can become bullies to other chickens
I've kept black sex links for years and I really enjoy them. I have had them go broody from time to time, but they haven't been very good mamas. I wouldn't recommend letting them hatch chicks.
Pros: Very productive hybrid layers
Eat less feed than heirlooms
Beautiful feathers and easygoing temperament.
Cons: Haven’t found any.
I have had Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, and Red Sex Links and the only competition is Red Sex Link. Black Sex Links are better looking IMO. Raised 25 from chicks to pullets, and sold pullets to two other families. They are very happy with them and word spread around. Now people are asking me when I will have more BSL pullets. Maybe in another year or two! Get your coop ready because otherwise what are you gonna do?
Purchase Price
$6.50CDN each
Purchase Date
April 2022
love this


I originally had 1 BSL. I got her when I started my new and favorite hobby back on May 1st. She was by far my most affectionate. She is the 1 that always jumps into my lap whenever I sit in the run. I like her so much I had to get another.
I suppose one of our new broody raised is a Black Sex Link, which if I understand the tern is a broad definition for "Mutt Chickens" with specific parentage.... in this case being a Black Australorpe Roo and a Barred Rock hen. The other is the same roo but a Buff Orpington. Not sure if that's a Sex Linked chicken at all. Blackberries are lovely birds.
The only problem I have with black sex links is that you cant reproduce them into another true BSL. They are crossbreeds and not true breds.
Not so with my black sex links (5). I find them very flock friendly and "thee" best egg layers I have. Their coloring is awesome. Yes they are high up in the pecking order but not enough to be concerned about to the other hens. Mine do the egg song before laying if that is the noise you are talking about. If you want nice sized brown eggs then these are good girls to have.
My BSLs are very sweet, love to talk and lay very nice brown eggs. My largest one (Eggony) is my favorite in this flock. She loves to talk and follows me around yakking all the time. Not a mean feather on them. Very sweet, and I won't hesitate to get more in the future. They also get along fine with the rest of the flock.They are all the same age (26 weeks) and have been raised together. My most aggressive birds are the 4 LBs. But even they are not mean, just more aggressive around the feeder. But they are also the biggest birds in the flock.
I have a group of 25 BSL and 25 Barred rocks right now and the BSL's are the sweetest most loveable birds I have ever had. Very calm and quiet compared to my BR's. My BSL's are twice the size of my barred rocks and they are the same age (22wks). The Coloring is my favorite no two hens are alike making them easy to tell apart! I also will not hesitate to get more in the future.
I wish that my chickens would live to be that old! And may I ask why did you butcher them? And were they laying an every now and then egg? Also did you HAVE to sell her or did you WANT to sell her?
Hi jujub, we have two BSLs that will be a year old in the first week of May. Our other hens are nearly two-year-old BRs. The BSL's eggs are almost the same size as the BR's now. Will they surpass the size of the BR eggs when they're officially hens? Was that your experience, or were your BSL eggs larger even when they were pullets?
I love mine too. I have 14 of them that are 7 months old. I have one that has laid 3 giant double yolk eggs. They are very sweet and smart. I plan on keeping mine for as long as they can live.
hellbender... these hens are also my pets. Even if she did cease to lay... she will always have a home with me. I will only cull the sick and aggressive.
Totally agree with your assessment. Even better is a production red hen bred to a RIR rooster.
I had a hen go broody last year. She wasn`t a great layer though. She hatched one clutch of eggs but no more after that.

Item information

Chicken Breeds
Added by
Reeses Peepers
Last update
4.16 star(s) 97 ratings

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