BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Thank you! Yes I finally found them on Craigslist. The female actually laid her first egg, for me, today
Hey, I had a question. I’m still kind of new to ducks, especially calls, I’ve done research on them before I got them. My female keeps moving her head back and forth to the side and making almost like a squawking noise. What would that be?
Is it possible for you to get a video and post it here (videos need to be uploaded to another site such as Youtube, then linked here)? It could be a few different things.
i can try, its unexpected when she does it. it just started today. i've been trying to get a video but as soon as i hit record she stops. i thought maybe she was calling her mate, and letting him know where she was but, he was in their pool and she was just outside of it. i'm just wondering if i need to be worried or, bring her to a vet.
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