BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Gigachad poultry
Gigachad poultry
In reality I'm making them in my own words in Google docs and then when I'm ready I will but them here for everyone to see. But every single time it's immediately assumed to be copied from other websites. Well enough is enough and I'm done.
Gigachad poultry
Gigachad poultry
Everyone in my family has made it very very very clear that no matter how hard I try I'm always just a failure and the same can be said for my articles.
Gigachad poultry
Gigachad poultry
These birds are my passion and I don't have all of them to be able to take my own photos, but I still want to teach people about them, but Im always told it's "stolen". I'm going to try to end this on a good note and although we aren't the best of friends I will still wish you a great rest of your year and good luck to your birds.
Gigachad poultry
Gigachad poultry
Sorry I couldn't get it all into one post.
Gigachad poultry
Gigachad poultry
I understand your frustration. What you need to understand is that using images from the internet without citing the source is a copyright violation and can lead to BYC getting DMCA takedowns for image theft. I haven't gotten on you for words, just pictures. As a photographer who's had images stolen, I'm not letting that go.
I get on anyone I see doing it. It sucks when someone steals your pics and then sells them or uses them and doesn't give you proper credit. If you look back, I get on you for photos and not your copy, because after the first time I mentioned it you've been using your own words. I HAVE checked a couple of your articles and they've been clean as far as the copy goes.
Sadly, I cannot control what other members do or say, and I've seen the "anonymous" comments. Trust me, if I'm going to say something to you, I'm gonna say it without hiding behind an anonymous post. You've seen that as well. I'm not sure who it was, but I'll mention it to admins.

If you enter any article contests, BOTH of these are ground for disqualification. So just keep that in mind.

PS. 420 chars sucks.
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