BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

The Ranch Girl
The Ranch Girl
Hi summer! Its very nice to meet you! Love your tags :D
The Ranch Girl
The Ranch Girl
So what kinds of animals do you have? I have chickens, a cat, a cow, goats, dogs, rabbits, turkies, ducks, and guineas This year has been crazy for us! We've had everyone having babies. Its been so much work.
WOW! That is a lot of animals, you must be busy! I would love to have that much. We have lots of chickens and chicks, ducks, 7 rabbits a dog, and we are about to get some goats. Haha, I am always pushing my parents for more! 😂 I’m hoping to get a goose and a barn cat soon. Out of all your animals, what is your favorite to raise?
The Ranch Girl
The Ranch Girl
OOH the goats! ooor maybe the cat?? I cant really make up my mind but I promise raising baby goats is really fun. We have 8 rabbits!!
That’s awesome!! Do you breed your rabbits? Are they for meat or just pets? Ours are just for pets, profit (selling babies occasionally) fertilizer and extra cute lawn mowers :D
The Ranch Girl
The Ranch Girl
Yes we do breed them and they are meant for meat but we are considering selling them. All of are mommas are pregnant! they are due in about a week. have you ever had babies before?
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