BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

The Truth Is Out There
The Truth Is Out There
Best Friends Hello GIF by Best Friends Animal Society
How are you?
The Truth Is Out There
The Truth Is Out There
I am. Not like the most high I am. Just going through the motions these days.
How are you?!
What do you mean by “going through the motions”?

I’m doin ok, thanks for asking :p
The Truth Is Out There
The Truth Is Out There
I just mean I’m doing what I have to do. No matter what is on my mind or the pain my body feels etc...
You’re in pain? I’m sorry :(
The Truth Is Out There
The Truth Is Out There
Yeah that’s okay.
One day I can face my creator and all that will be gone.
Sometimes life is full of long suffering.
I just think of my Lord Jesus Christ and how bad he suffered. And then I imagine all my suffering is for him.
I don’t agree with drugs for pain.
Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice… and definitely suffered the worst pain…
The Truth Is Out There
The Truth Is Out There
Yeah. How great will it be to one day meet him
And he will see how hard we try to just live and survive the best we can with all the goats?
I agree… life is hard. But at least when we get to Heaven, all this pain and suffering will be gone
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