BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Your posts are worth following, and you did help me on my first day here by taking the time to welcome me.
I'm going to take a while getting used to working this forum - I didn't even know about profile posts!!! :idunno
I think I can help a bit with that. 😊


As you've probably already figured out, the smiley face lets you insert emojis and emoji-gifs :frow.
The B makes your text bold like this. The paint pallet allows you to change text color like this. Just click the eraser to change the color back to normal. The double Ts makes the text smaller and larger like this. The A lets you change the font. The I makes text italicized, the U underlines text, and the list allows you to make a list
  1. like
  2. this.
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The three dots stacked on top of each other, behind the list button, lets you see more options, such as the pig nose which blurs text out unless you click it. The crossed out S crosses out letters like this. The >_ is an inline code, which I'm not exactly sure what it does myself. Next to the list button is
alignment, which allows you to align text like this.​
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The GIF button is always fun.
Happy Party GIF by Justin
Just search for a GIF and you'll usually find it. There's another stacked dots, which again, allows you to see more options (just one this time).
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It allows you to make headings like this.​

The image button allows you to insert one of your images, like this. View attachment 3165436
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The chain button lets you insert links, like this. (It leads you to a guide with other helpful links to these forums.) The way you insert links is you copy the website's URL, and paste it into the URL box, then put what you want your text to show up as. (In my case, I put the word 'this'.)
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The quotation marks button

lets you quote things like this.

Media lets you insert things from the internet, like videos and pictures. Make sure you use it from one of BYC's allowed sites only!

The horizontal line button lets you, well...

Insert a horizontal line.
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The table lets you


The arrow lets you undo things like a typo. If you're on computer it's easier to just use Ctrl+Z, though. The eraser is also really important. If you have bold text, but you now want normal text, click the eraser and your text will go back to normal.
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