BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Thanks so much Ruby! It has been such a long time since we've talked!! How are you? :)
Better Than Rubies
Better Than Rubies
I am well, thanks. How about you? :)
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That's great! I am doing wonderfully, thanks! Just taking care of "Bibby" (our spoiled Black Aussie) she's been sick for a couple of weeks. But thankfully she's improving very quickly!
Better Than Rubies
Better Than Rubies
That's good she's getting better. Do you have her inside and away from her flockmates while she recuperates?
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Yes, she has been inside for over a week. She's driving my family crazy :D She is now exploring the basement (that is where she is recuperating) my brothers stay down there and they are always telling me to come get her... she especially loves their room :p
Better Than Rubies
Better Than Rubies
Ohh, haha! That's funny. :D
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It is cute, until you're constantly cleaning up after her.... :D
Better Than Rubies
Better Than Rubies
:p Yeah, I'd imagine, lol. I want chicks again, but they were so dirty. Speaking of that, guess what? I got two silkies. One's a pullet, and the other one...I just have no idea. I'll give you a link of the thread and you can give me your opinion. Everyone said cockerel, but then one person said pullet, 'cause s/he has no rooster feathers. ?
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My chicks used to dirty everything up, too. But I learned that the more space, the better. So now we have a huge brooder that is only used in the spring when we have chicks or when a chicken is sick.
When we have chicks in it I only have to clean it out once a week!
And even then it still smells pretty good :)
Aww, I really want Silkies again. Australorps and Silkies are my favorite <3
Okay, I'll take a look!
Better Than Rubies
Better Than Rubies
That's a good idea...a huge brooder. :D Hey, that's pretty good!, I had to clean out my chicks' brooder EVERY day, lol. :p
Aww. I want an Australorp...I heard they're super good, dependable layers that are also docile?
Why do you no longer have silkies?
Oops, sorry I forgot to post the link, lol.
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Haha, it works! ;)
Yes, they are such lapdogs! Plus they lay very consistently!
They both passed from illnesses :( I hope to get some more, though :)
Thanks for the link!
Better Than Rubies
Better Than Rubies
Sorry I forgot to reply to this.
That's good to hear! Are they good winter layers? My EE hasn't started laying even though she's a little over 9-months old; my SLW and BSL just up and stopped early last month.
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Better Than Rubies
Better Than Rubies
My Production Red seemed to have just recently stopped; my Amberlink laid everyday no matter the short daylight hours or heat or cold temps, until she was recently killed, and so my Barred Rock is the only one faithfully laying just about everyday. (I'm grateful for that, but why did the others have to slack when this is their first winter?, so they're still young and don't have much of an excuse).
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Better Than Rubies
Better Than Rubies
Sorry to hear of their passing. :( It was very sad when I lost Daisy, my Amberlink. But that's why I now have two Silkies. -sighs-
Anyways, thanks for replying to my thread! I appreciate it. :)
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