Recent content by Zoomie

  1. Zoomie


    No hawk has as much as tried. They can easily see they can not get the birds due to the netting. So no: no hawks caught in the net. They simply hunt other things. I still have tons of hawks in the yard all the time, and owls at night, but it's easy for them to see they can not get in there. Not...
  2. Zoomie

    daytime owl attack

    Wow, that must have been really scary for your daughter! :( I'm glad the rooster survived. I'm curious: what causes you to think the chickens are miserable? Mine live in a run all the time, and they seem fine... what symptoms are you seeing? Could it be just that they are experiencing some...
  3. Zoomie

    Aerial Assault

    So sorry for your losses... :( it is hard to lose them when you've put so much time and effort into them. I solved this problem with a covered run. I live right across the street from the National Forest. We have more predators than you can shake a stick at, if I let them free range they would...
  4. Zoomie

    Is this from a hawk?

    Well, with the added info I would say a dog or other canid. I'm sorry your chickens are so scared, it can take them a while to get over the shock. Also if it was a dog, and I'm not saying it was yours, but if it was a dog it is quite reasonable of them to be scared of any other dog including...
  5. Zoomie

    Is this from a hawk?

    It's hard to say. The wound could have been caused by about anything. What did your kill sites look like? Generally with a bird of prey, they sit on the carcass and pull out a bunch of feathers, so there is kind of a messy pile, but all the feathers are dry. Hawks don't slobber. I can't really...
  6. Zoomie


    What I suggest is to build a nice big run that is well fenced and predator proof as you can get it, and then put a net over it. That's what I did. Now when the hawks stop by (the National Forest is right across the street, we have tons of hawks and owls) I just enjoy them. If you watch videos...
  7. Zoomie

    Bottle feeding vs dam raising goats.

    I only hand raise and will never dam raise again. One thing about dam raising, the kids do not always feed on the teats evenly... and sometimes there is only one kid... this can leave the dam with one giant, engorged teat and one teeny one. I show my dairy goats, I would never want that. When...
  8. Zoomie

    New Mexico

    Peter.J that looks really cool! Does it have a roll out place for the eggs or something? How does it hold a hundred eggs? Also it looks like you can collect eggs from the outside, is that right? Very awesome. I've got 7 pullets I expect will start laying in a month or so. I'm just using...
  9. Zoomie

    They're making me CRAZY!

    What are you feeding? Many people switch to layer pellets/crumbles too quickly, and those barely have enough protein to keep them going. Feeding higher protein can help. And yes... patience. They have to become mature enough to ovulate.
  10. Zoomie

    Thoughts on first goat breeding

    Does should be vaccinated at least one month before kidding. Once the kids are born, I generally wait until they are a month old to give them their own shots. Except, at tattooing etc which I do at one week: I do give them a shot of tetanus antitoxin because that does confer immediate immunity...
  11. Zoomie

    Chickens eating eggs

    I suggest getting some ceramic eggs to put in the nests. Use a Sharpie and mark an X on them or something so you don't accidentally gather the fake ones... they can not peck them, and soon give up trying. In the meantime I also suggest you check the protein levels in the feed. Most layer feeds...
  12. Zoomie

    A goat and a friend?

    A word of caution, it can depend on the individual goat. Some goats are OK with this, others are hyper-aware and tense. Just like they would be if they were alone. So do be careful, and maybe work out with the seller that if the goat is totally freaked by being alone that they will take her...
  13. Zoomie

    Should I put my rooster down?

    I commend you and I am sorry for what you had to go through. You did the right thing. I know it feels really hard right now but it is part of responsible animal care. Remember that dying is not the only thing he ever did; you did give him a very good life and that is important. Try to focus on...
  14. Zoomie

    Mystery Predator!

    I would guess possum or coon. Good luck on trapping, but for a coon... it's going to have to be a really strong trap to keep the coon in it. Don't worry about your chickens being upset about being locked in. It's way better to be upset than to be dead. If any of your other chickens attempt to...
  15. Zoomie

    Breeding Question.

    No. Chickens are not humans, and they have no idea about our own sexual taboos or any of that. In the animal world, when a male is ready to mate, and a female is ready to mate, they do so. They do not sit down first and work out what their relationship is. I had a friend who wanted to raise...
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