Recent content by yakitori

  1. yakitori

    First time bumblefoot

    o ooh, I’ll look into the Prid immediately. I haven’t gotten the scab off completely yet, I tried soaking it for 20 mins, but it was still kind of hard so i just rubbed the ointment on for now, then gauzed and wrapped it, hoping it would soften up more over the day. It would be awesome if I...
  2. yakitori

    First time bumblefoot

    I got her wrapped up, thanks! Ended up getting got knock off horsewrap from walmart. She was also super cooperative, I love this old girl 💛
  3. yakitori

    First time bumblefoot

    I noticed my oldest hen was not as mobile and stood more on one feet. Since it’s in the 10-20s I thought she was just cold, but decided to check her feet just in case. It looks like she has bumblefoot. There seems to be a giant kernel but very little swelling. it is obviously causing her...
  4. yakitori

    9 months old hens molting ??

    Middle of November, poor 9 month old girl. Im giving her access to the cat food for some extra protein 😭 I noticed her looking a little frazzled and extra jumpy last week and thought the other girls must have been picking on her, odd because she should be in the top half of the pecking order...
  5. yakitori

    When can my chicks go outside for day trips?

    at that age and temp, I would place them outside only if it’s sunny, and only in a sunny location. They will warm up in the sun as needed or seek the cool shade if they get too warm. I’ve also done this with younger chicks, never had an issue
  6. yakitori

    Why are my chickens so small??

    I see, i havent had any of my birds get dramatically larger combs at lay, but maybe oegbs are different 😅 First time owning them and they are quite lovely
  7. yakitori

    Why are my chickens so small??

    do they continue to grow comb? Photo was taken at 15 weeks which makes them about a month younger than Kimi’s. I’m leaning more towards Kimi’s theory that theirs is a roo.
  8. yakitori

    Gender this silkie mix

    hehe, thank you on her behalf!
  9. yakitori

    Gender this silkie mix

    And she lays a slate green egg!
  10. yakitori

    Why are my chickens so small??

    looks like my oegbs, i have a barred and a creole. Though yours seem to have bigger combs
  11. yakitori


    My lawn isn’t all one type of grass, I’m worried they may ingest something toxic like persicaria once the blade mulches it all up. From what I've read, they’re pretty good at knowing what they can and cannot eat when the grass is fresh and whole, but not as discerning once it’s all cut and...
  12. yakitori


    I’ve been feeding my chickens grass. Not the stuff from my lawn mower, I pick out the variety that I know they love to eat ( I believe it’s perennial rye) and chop it up to short little bits with scissors and supplementing their diet. Been getting some really nice tasty yolks!
  13. yakitori

    the 2 week olds want to roost

    Thanks! They are so cute they can get away with murder, lol. really friendly too, which I wasn’t expecting from Anconas. Eitherway, I’m hoping to get them out of the house by 5 weeks.:th
  14. yakitori

    the 2 week olds want to roost

    and it’s in the 40s and they’re screaming cold and they refuse to move under the heating mat…. then you just have to move the heating mat to their roost… :confused: I miss summer
  15. yakitori

    Gender this silkie mix

    This freeloader squatted today!
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