Recent content by Yabadabadoo

  1. Yabadabadoo

    Green Queen a Cockerel or Pullet?

    I got a cockerel ameraucana from meyers (was supposed to be a female sexed day old), so happens (this was a year ago). They do refund the purchase price though.
  2. Yabadabadoo

    Green Queen Cockerel or Pullet

    Me, too…my fear (I only got two green queens :-/…hopefully we are wrongz
  3. Yabadabadoo

    Green Queen Cockerel or Pullet

    Me, too…my fear (I only got two green queens :-/…hopefully we are wrong.
  4. Yabadabadoo

    Green Queen Cockerel or Pullet

    Hi there! This was a sexed pullet from Meyer Hatchery, hatch date January 23, so about 10 weeks old. What do you think? Cockerel or pullet? (And I apologize, not amazing pictures I know.)
  5. Yabadabadoo

    Corid Expiration Date

    Good. Thank you. She seems mostly recovered. Wrapping up the corrid ❤️
  6. Yabadabadoo

    Sick 2 y/o hen, broken egg, infection, confirm dx and treatment?

    And…minutes after I posted this I put her back in the crate (she had been on my lap) and she passed. Poor girl. I am leaving this up per group preferences, and for future learning appreciate any thoughts. I love having chickens…I had four for years and now maintain a flock of 35-45, but man...
  7. Yabadabadoo

    Sick 2 y/o hen, broken egg, infection, confirm dx and treatment?

    Hi all. I appreciate this group and how helpful everyone is. I love my flock, and without this community I would be at a loss when one of my birds is sick. I have a two year old easter egger named Madonna. She lays normally, but flock is just starting to come back online after fall molt and...
  8. Yabadabadoo

    Corid Expiration Date

    Thank you. Ordered online for friday delivery; corid treatment started last night with old meds
  9. Yabadabadoo

    Corid Expiration Date

    Hi there! I have chicks that are showing some signs of cocci and so I am planning to treat them. (Two weeks old, one is a little hunched up, drowsy, lethargic, yellow/mucusy poop.). That said, I pulled my corid and it expired January 2022. My local feed supply is out and so I am looking to...
  10. Yabadabadoo

    Sick week old chick, gaping, empty crop, sneezing (? Sounds like a squeek)

    Hi there. I have a week old chick I purchased from a reputable hatchery (along with 16 friends). For the first time my chicks didn’t fare well in shipping and I lost three in the first 72 hours. Last night this chick seemed lower energy (see video: ) and this afternoon/evening she is gaping and...
  11. Yabadabadoo

    wacky waving arm inflatable tube man....effictive?

    Following. We are considering trying, too. Will post if we do…we have a family of four harris’s hawks stalking out birds and not having any success getting rid of them.
  12. Yabadabadoo

    Fishbiotic Amoxicillin

    This is awesome. Thank you!
  13. Yabadabadoo

    Review by 'Yabadabadoo' in article 'Processing Meat Birds: "Go With The Flow"'

    Really concise and helpful, and I love that you do this solo. Thank you for making it seem achievable!
  14. Yabadabadoo

    Broody breaker 101

    Why only wire flooring versus on grass or the ground?
  15. Yabadabadoo

    Cockrel? (Light brahma and blue americauna)

    Hi all! I have 19 new pullets, hatched late January to midFebruary. It has been a super busy Spring, with some work travel, and then one day I looked outside and thought, “omg, how did you two get so big?!” and then a few days ago…”how did I miss it…y’all are dudes” 😂😂😂. So tell me, pullets or...
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