Recent content by Xanthfox

  1. Xanthfox

    can a Bantam red rooster rule the regular coop?

    I have 5 RIR and silver laced Wynadottes. I just got a Bantam RIR in hopes it would "rule the roost" and help boost egg production, etc. I was told it would work. He is Awesome. unfortunately the regular sized RIR's are chasing him. Hes currently residing with the much more mild tempered...
  2. Xanthfox

    small, listless, runny poop

    I have a Wynadotte thats kinda listless and recently developed runny poop. She is the smallest of the three. She's the last one out of the coop each day, tending to stay behind and sleep. She was de-wormed about 2 1/2 weeks ago. What can this be a sign of? I'm new to chickens so I could really...
  3. Xanthfox

    chickens getting along

    Thanks everyone for your help. We decided to divide the run in half giving each room but being able to live closely and get use to each other.
  4. Xanthfox


    dont recall the gauge of wire. Its not chicken wire. the squares are tight which doesn't allow predators to get their mouth in to chew. Its nice and heavy. got it @ Lowe's.
  5. Xanthfox


    the above is of one of my RIRs and my Wynadotte's. Below is a pic of the coop and run just after construction. The other coop was attached to the right side the following day.
  6. Xanthfox


    Anyone have experience with sexlink's?
  7. Xanthfox

    chickens getting along

    So we bought 4mh old Wynadottes. Our goal is to have appX. 12 in our flock. Today my wife got me two Rhode island reds. She thought they were 5 month old but i suspect their older. Immediately they started pecking and bullying the Wynadottes. I know the RIR are a more aggressive breed. Do i have...
  8. Xanthfox

    when NOT to vaccinate

    Sorry if this seems redundant but I cant find anything on the cut off age to vaccinate your chickens. I have 4 month old hens that we just got. It turns out their not vaccinated. are they too old?
  9. Xanthfox


    Good morning! Got my first 3 in flock! I'm excited and the new larger run is coming along. I was doing some digging into the best egg laying chikies and I'm told black selling and California (white or grey) are power house layers. Any thoughts? I currently havr silver laced Wynadette and am...
  10. Xanthfox


    preferably grown. I don't have the setup for chicks.
  11. Xanthfox


    do you know where I might acquire Wynadette and/or Plymouth rock's?
  12. Xanthfox

    What does/will your 2015 garden look like?

    Mine isn't quite so planned out. I have primarily raised beds and little space. I will be losing alot to my coop(s) and run. BUT...we will be converting a portion of our front yard so we will be doubling our space. Getting dirt has proven difficult. Those who have it charge a fortune for it. I'm...
  13. Xanthfox


    its one of my favorite hobbies. And with chickens, the insects it attracts alone will be beneficial. Also any of the discarded veggies they'll love. Everyone is happy.
  14. Xanthfox


    Hey all! I'm in Hemet California. Just breaking into the chicken world. Looking for retailers. Got my first coop up and Ready. Now I gotta fill it. Mostly looking for egg production Wynadette, Plymouth rock and Rhode island red. I'm big into gardening. Grow a huge vegetable garden each year...
  15. Xanthfox

    Hemet California sellers

    Looking for chicken sellers in or near Hemet Ca. Looking for Wynadette's, Plymouth rock and Rhode island reds. Also would be good to know knowledgeable enthusiasts!
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