Recent content by WyoChick1

  1. WyoChick1

    Rooster has a death wish

    Thanks, everyone! At first we thought he was going to be a good rooster, but he's gotten increasingly worse over time. Only my husband seems to be tolerated by him. My daughter was mostly annoyed-- she broke all the eggs in the kerfuffle! My younger daughter is scared of him though. I kinda am...
  2. WyoChick1

    Rooster has a death wish

    Today our not quite one year old EE boy attacked my 16 year old daughter. She's taller and braver than I am, so I'm sure he's not far off from going after any of us. We suspected we might have to cull him at some point. We're ok with that. My question is, how will the hens respond and adjust...
  3. WyoChick1

    Lonely Faverolles hen?

    Yeah, you're probably right. They're so well adjusted and established right now, I wouldn't know how to add anyone anyway. In the future though, once it is time to add new members to the flock, I'll be hopeful for birds that will get along with this shy one. She's a sweetie. My daughter's...
  4. WyoChick1

    Lonely Faverolles hen?

    Hi all! I've had my chickens for one year now, and I recently got a "chicken cam" for our coop! It's been fun to check on them this way. Something I've noticed, our one Salmon Faverolles sleeps by herself every night. All the other chickens group up to sleep, but she is on the roost a few feet...
  5. WyoChick1

    My 1st Chickeniversary! And a rooster question...

    Hmm, ok, I'll keep an eye on it. It's so cold and dry here, I usually don't worry about bug problems, but I am still a newbie to all of this.
  6. WyoChick1

    Scraggly chicken

    Thanks. At first we did see pin feathers, but not so much now. Is that possible for such a young bird to molt? In January? We did have a warm fall, so that kind of makes sense I guess. But none of the others are doing it, which also makes sense because they are not yet a year old. I have 3...
  7. WyoChick1

    My 1st Chickeniversary! And a rooster question...

    Thank you! Yes, the bare parts are all right here, on their backs above the tail. I've not seen any bare necks or shoulders.
  8. WyoChick1

    Scraggly chicken

    Hi. I mentioned in another post that a few of my hens are showing some "rooster damage"-- they have feathers missing on their backs, right above their tails. But this one Easter Egger looks raggedy all over? We noticed it about a month ago and wondered if she was molting, but she would have...
  9. WyoChick1

    My 1st Chickeniversary! And a rooster question...

    He is larger than the hens, but they are all pretty good sized birds, so Idk. One or two has skin showing, the others have just like a tufty looking spot. There are 11 hens to 1 rooster, so it should be ok, but apparently he has favorites? Or maybe the other hens re-pluck the bare spots?
  10. WyoChick1

    My 1st Chickeniversary! And a rooster question...

    Thanks. My daughters are 12 and 16, so not small. But it's still intimidating and annoying. My 16 year old is brave and very good with animals, like her dad, so they seem ok with this rooster, but I am not terribly thrilled with him. I know he is very young. Separating him for some times is...
  11. WyoChick1

    My 1st Chickeniversary! And a rooster question...

    Hi! I haven't been on here much lately, because we've had such a great first year with our first flock! They're such good and easy birds! I cannot believe we've had them about a year now (born on Valentine's Day). Quick question though. Our rooster is our youngest, given to me by someone in...
  12. WyoChick1

    Weird bumpy eggshells?

    Thanks so much! That article is really helpful!
  13. WyoChick1

    Weird bumpy eggshells?

    I think it's been 3 or 4 eggs now. So, not a lot, but not a one-off either.
  14. WyoChick1

    Weird bumpy eggshells?

    I will keep an eye on it. Hopefully it's just because they're still young. I've had the easiest time so far with this flock, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop!
  15. WyoChick1

    Weird bumpy eggshells?

    If I knew which one it is!
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