Recent content by wren

  1. wren

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies!

    ☝️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Love this, of course they remember you!
  2. wren


    Hi please tell me where to look! Thanks! Edited. By where I mean Ocala but is there a place in Ocala? Any contact info?
  3. wren

    3 chicks wanted St Augustine FL area please.

    Anyone have a few chicks including near Ocala FL? Price, age, location? Mixed breed welcome. For a 5 year old girl who didn’t cry all week in school! Thanks!
  4. wren


    Anyone have a few chicks including near st. Augustine FL? Price, age, location and breed please, mixed breeds welcome! Thanks!
  5. wren

    Does the USPS still subcontract out shipping fowl?

    My show chickens used to be sent in an authorized approved box, deemed healthy by some vet then the USPS won’t ship them bc they subcontracted it out to fedex. Is this still the case? Can you demonstrate this to be true? I need help bc I’m getting pummeled by nonbelievers! Lol
  6. wren

    Muscovy ducks help please.

    I haven’t seen them since this morning....I hope they see the food and stay! I guess that’s all I can do. :fl
  7. wren

    Muscovy ducks help please.

    A Muscovy drake and two hens wandered onto my property today. :celebrate I want them to stay. I put chicken pellets, black oil sunflower seed and dried worms out. The hens ran away but the drake wagged his tail at me. Is that friendly? It seemed friendly. I have 4 acres very private, some thick...
  8. wren

    Review by '' on item 'Pullet-Shut Automatic Chicken Door'

    I want to give a big thumbs up for the pullet-shut chicken door company. I’ve had my door for 4 years and it works great. I had to disconnect it for a bit bc of a neighbors dog. When I plugged it back in I mistakenly connected the cold wire to the hot. Big mistake on my part! When I called...
  9. wren

    Automatic Chicken door

    I want to give a big thumbs up for the pullet-shut chicken door company. I’ve had my door for 4 years and it works great. I had to disconnect it for a bit bc of a neighbors dog. When I plugged it back in I mistakenly connected the cold wire to the hot. Big mistake on my part! When I called...
  10. wren

    What to put on open wound. Warning graphic pic

    Sorry about you hen. It’s good to hear that I’m doing the right thing by not using blu-kote. It’s a good product just not for this. Now if I can keep bugs off him and keep him alive we will be set.
  11. wren

    What to put on open wound. Warning graphic pic

    Thank-you Sublight! I do think he is a hero! Chickens aren’t chicken lol. And thank-you Eggcessive! It’s great to know about other most cost effective products to use. I’m running low on novasan. I clean the wound everyday. When I flushed it, a few minuscule pieces of white fat came out. Today...
  12. wren

    Very young chicken has its wing bone sticking out...

    That bone is “dead”. If you are able to remove that bone at the joint quickly, cleanly and not leave any jagged bone bits under her skin do it. Otherwise she will die slowly from infections. The vet has a way to raster the live bone so it isn’t sharp. Then close the skin. It’s a very tough...
  13. wren

    What to put on open wound. Warning graphic pic

    I am not sure but I think it was a raccoon. I feel that his wattles and comb were bitten bc my rooster tried to fight the raccoon. But this is a pure guess.
  14. wren

    What to put on open wound. Warning graphic pic

    Blue-kote would be easier. I put it on his comb and wattles after I cleaned them up. But I seriously it is not recommended for deep wounds. Don’t believe me look it up!
  15. wren

    What to put on open wound. Warning graphic pic

    I’m thinking I’m going to have to debride it a little. The brownish area. Any other thing to use to pack it besides honey? Then cover with gauze.
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