Recent content by Wormfood

  1. W

    How to convince husband to keep roosters

    My husband hasn't eaten my eggs in a few years. I have told him several times how ridiculous that is but he can't eat peas either. I keep at least one rooster available in case of collapse. We will have eggs, chickens, rabbits and veggys to eat. And squirrel I guess.
  2. W

    Samba Malay Growth Thread.

    He's as huge as a California condor!
  3. W

    Managing Flock Living Arrangements

    I'm trying this now. I have my egg layers, which are larger, and my hobby chickens. They are smaller silky mutts with old English bantams. I have a feeling I will choose one rooster in the end. Maybe no roosters.
  4. W

    How to stop a female hen crowing?!

    Hi, thanks. I have Old English Game bantam mutts. With black legs. The hens are all black, with no wattles or comb. They are small, fast and have problems when I grab them, so I just don't. But they hang with me and there's a mutual respect. If for some reason I have to catch one I'll check it...
  5. W

    How to stop a female hen crowing?!

    I have a hen that was traumatized by a possum that killed her sister and her 5 chicks in the henhouse. My fault, I locked them up with the possum in there. The hen would not return at night and started growing the waddles, crown and crowing. Maybe 2 months go by and I caught her in there eating...
  6. W

    Samba Malay Growth Thread.

    I can't figure out how to attach a photo.
  7. W

    Samba Malay Growth Thread.

    The original ones are 2 pounders. Roosters are loud, ornery, but the hens are sweet. Every summer barred rock or leghorns would get wiped out by hawks. These guys are going on their second year. All black to look like crows and I think it works. Even attracts crows. Mixing them with some "mutt"...
  8. W

    Samba Malay Growth Thread.

    Do you have photos? I get mixed up if I have old English game fowl or jungle fowl.
  9. W

    What should I do with all these eggs?

    Hi, I make egg, cheese, sausage burritos and wrap them up for the freezer. A minute in the microwave and they disappear within a week. I never hear, "mom I'm hungry".
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