Recent content by WooingWyandotte

  1. WooingWyandotte

    Best place to find SOP?

    I'd love to tour every poultry show I could, haha! Too bad time and budget won't allow for every beautiful breed I could possibly own.
  2. WooingWyandotte

    Best place to find SOP?

    I agree, I'd love to see some recent examples of really nice birds!
  3. WooingWyandotte

    Best place to find SOP?

    I'll definitely make a note of all of that, thank you! I did purchase my Ameraucana's as hatching eggs off of a nearby breeder that is on the breeder list of ABC, so I'm hoping the pair I have is decent (black rooster, blue hen). I went to my county fair and was not too impressed by the birds...
  4. WooingWyandotte

    Best place to find SOP?

    Oh good idea! I have two pens right now as that is all my yard can fit! (I'm definitely over my legal limit for the city).But I have Wheaten Marans and a few Ameraucana's, so I'm hoping to read up on the breed standards for those!
  5. WooingWyandotte

    Best place to find SOP?

    Thank you! I will check this out. I would like to show someday so I might just purchase it soon. But I definitely think I can attain some level of decency without it so I'll definitely read up on the Aussie version. :)
  6. WooingWyandotte

    Best place to find SOP?

    I am sorry this is probably a very dumb question! Is there a place on BYC to find the SOP for any and all chicken breeds? Or do I need to purchase it? As a youth I remember there being some Standard of Perfection book that came out every year or something but it cost some money to purchase it...
  7. WooingWyandotte

    Ideas for better hatch rates?

    Hi! So I hatched 3X last year in my 1588 Hovabator. It is about 10 years old…keeps temperature very steady. I use a stand alone hygrometer/thermometer and don’t really pay attention to the incubator thermometer, they are usually very close to eachother and within the parameters for my hatches...
  8. WooingWyandotte

    October 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    Well it’s day 21 and I have 15 Ameraucana’s and 9 Marans which all appear to be wheaten! There were 2 more Marans eggs but the chicks died before they could fully unzip. The humidity dropped in the incubator overnight and screwed them over unfortunately.
  9. WooingWyandotte


    So sorry! I know how awful it feels! I have a horrible raccoon problem and have lost many.
  10. WooingWyandotte

    October 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    Day 19 - seven ameraucana pips. No Marans pips.
  11. WooingWyandotte

    LUMP on abdomen?

    Good idea I'll give that go before surgery!
  12. WooingWyandotte

    LUMP on abdomen?

    Okay I'll give that a shot. Thank you!
  13. WooingWyandotte

    LUMP on abdomen?

    It is hard and definitely cyst-like. Would I just take scalpel and cut it open? Is there any kind of topical anesthetic I could use at least? I'm assuming injectable I'd have to get from a vet. Is there a way to 100% know it is a cyst before I cut into it? I feel fairly certain if I do not do...
  14. WooingWyandotte

    LUMP on abdomen?

    Approx 5-6 weeks old. Recently purchased, in quarantine. Noticed a lump on left side of abdomen under vent. About the size of a quarter. Chick is lethargic and puffed but still eats and drinks. Poop is runny. Skin is slightly flaky? Have had these birds 5 days. The three others appear to be...
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