Recent content by woofwoofchick

  1. woofwoofchick

    Adding 2 new chicks - Need advice quick!

    I had my 6 original chicks for 2 weeks, then added two more slightly older chicks and they're all getting along like they've been together since day one. This week, I bought two black Silkies at auction which I was hoping to get... I love love love them... but not sure about putting them in...
  2. silkie2.JPG
Morticia... one of my new gals.

    silkie2.JPG Morticia... one of my new gals.

  3. woofwoofchick

    Comment by 'woofwoofchick' in article 'Rainbow Ranch'

    They're all so pretty and I love the descriptions. Thanks for sharing. I'm new to this with only 6 chicks, two Barred Rocks (who aren't showing much friendliness yet), two Buff Orphingtons, (which seem to be very freindly and want to get on our laps at 4 weeks of age) and two Silkies, (that my...
  4. woofwoofchick

    Do hens need a rooster to get them motivated?

    My brother, swears that they need a rooster around to lay eggs but I don't believe it. Mine are still just chicks.. my first flock. I'm not sure if one or two of my Silkies are roosters or not but I'm glad I found this post because I was sure they didn't need a rooster around. One question...
  5. woofwoofchick

    Pine and Cedar shavings are dangerous

    Sorry to cause such an uproar! lol I am just passing along info that I've learned from animal professionals. I don't think all the data is out there as to how harmful pine is for animals and people will continue to use it as it's a cheap form of bedding. I for one will never use it as what I've...
  6. woofwoofchick

    Comment by 'woofwoofchick' in article 'How To Raise Baby Chicks: The First 60 Days Of Raising Baby Chickens'

    I have to disagree with the pine shavings part of this posting. Pine ( and cedar) shavings are toxic to animals... especially if you have them in an aquarium type enclosure where there is no air flow. Any type of fine shavings or saw dust is also very bad. It's not at all good for their...
  7. woofwoofchick

    Pine and Cedar shavings are dangerous

    I've been doing some research on using pine or cedar shavings and from what I've learned, both are very harmful to pets. They are toxic... and can cause respiratory problems for all types of animals. It's sold in bales at all pet stores and farm stores and when I asked why they sell it if it's...
  8. woofwoofchick


    I bought 4 chicks four weeks ago from our local Agway then just got my two little Silkies (about the same age as my first four chicks) from a neighbor. I have no idea, (nor did she) if they're roosters or not. I want only hens but in the event that one or both of them are male, I'm worried I'll...
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