Recent content by Wooden_Pony

  1. Guineas


    ~The growth of the Cute Keet to the Ugly Guinea~ Day one HATCH DAY!!!! *Into the brooder* ?One of these Keets is not like the others? Lucky our Millie chick *Armfull of keets! Took this picture for the seller I got some of these eggs from* ~This is not a Lavender...Stilll not...
  2. Wooden_Pony

    Refrigerator Incubator

    These directions were given to me by a friend who owns and operates an American Shooting Perserve. He makes these to incubate his Chukars, Pheasants, Quail, and other game bird eggs for his private shooting perserve. I have NEVER made this. I do not take any responsibility of the errors some...
  3. Someone Asked If We Could

    Someone Asked If We Could

    I was asked to take a few pictures of an egg developing and to show how eggs that are shipped have air cells that become "clovered". I need try and get some more of development further along but have not had time. .Enjoy these few I took of early development. After working with my camera we got...
  4. Lg Incubator Journel

    Lg Incubator Journel

    Little Giant Incubator Journel Here is all the info I have collected from reading online and the directions from my Little Giant incubators. I figured I would post this up since I have two of these and have been incubating with them. *This is MY journel! I have posted in other places on the...
  5. Chick N Shak

    Chick N Shak

    ~The Chick'n Shak~ *This adventure started in late June of 2007* I would first off like to thank Monica for posting up her coop design!!! I based my coop off of her idea but as my Husband Dave tells everyone he gave it steroids. As you will see we did change it up. The main idea I loved so...
  6. Wooden_Pony

    Curious??? Have you ever....

    I am with Hoosiermomma on this one... I lay low most of the time
  7. Wooden_Pony

    Ikea Chicken Coop. VOTE FOR US!!!

    I voted as well. Nice job on your coop!
  8. Wooden_Pony

    5 week old ee's hen or roo?

    Hey third times a charm and I say you have 3 roos? The one in the back corner, the one standing at the red wall seam might be or it is the red wall reflexing to make the comb pinker, and the white one at the water. But those are just my guesses. Closer head shots of them would make it easier...
  9. Wooden_Pony

    5 week old ee's hen or roo?

    Can you make the picture bigger? It is so small you can not see them.
  10. Wooden_Pony

    Hubby told me that hens can crow!!

    I have a Golden Sebright hen that crows. Let me tell you it is not weak or pathetic she belts out those crows. We are not allowed roosters where I live which we knew but the old neighbor turned us in. You should have seen the AC Officer's face when I told him that Lilac is a hen not a rooster...
  11. Wooden_Pony

    Who here is into Photography?

    Love photography! I LOVE messsing around with my camera which is Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT.... I could FILL this page and after loading some of my pictures opps sorry so many but I have loved taking pictures since I was 6 yrs old. My uncle's also taught me how to develope pictures as well...
  12. Wooden_Pony

    My Fav has something wrong with her eye.. *PICS*

    The eye itself does not looked damaged, so I am not sure if it was pecked? But who knows... Where would one find a broad spectrum antibiotic and do they have a specific name? Thanks for the help so far.
  13. Wooden_Pony

    My Fav has something wrong with her eye.. *PICS*

    This afternoon while we were cutting up some pomegranates for our girl's I notice my faverolle's eye was half closed and a little crusty looking. Picked her up to get a better look and it looks like under her eye is swollen and somewhat purplish in coloring. She seems fine other then the...
  14. Wooden_Pony

    so, got a little giant bator

    I only have LG Incubators. Here is a link to my page hopefully some of this might help you out on keeping yours stable.... any tips would greatly be appreciated and if someone would tell me the...
  15. Wooden_Pony

    help ------- my first incubator hatch set on dec 8th due dec 29th

    I just use a Mini Mag Flashlight. They are LED you can find them at your hardware store. I duct tape a piece of cardboard over the light and then punch a small hole in the center of the cardboard. With the Mini Mags you can adjust the beam from a wide to more of a direct pin point. Of course...
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