Recent content by Wishapup

  1. Wishapup

    Accidental incubation error with emu eggs

    @iatrics did your emus hatch?
  2. Wishapup

    Spinosad products in Canada

    Thank you, I'll look into Ectiban a bit more. I'm sure this would be a multi-application product but it's worth looking into. Thank you @iwltfum. I don't have the experience with agricultural products that you would have, but my understanding is that spinosad is NOT systemic. It can only...
  3. Wishapup

    Spinosad products in Canada

    I'm interested in using it as a one-application product for external poultry parasites. Where did you read about it being toxic to mammals? Everything I've read has suggested the opposite. It is used in flea products for dogs. I don't doubt that it isn't officially approved for use on...
  4. Wishapup

    Spinosad products in Canada

    Thanks! Do you remember the name of the spinosad product you saw at Peaveymart? Was it a gardening spray? Our local agri store doesn't carry any type of spinosad product as far as I know. If it could be acquired through a licensed individual (vet etc) in Ontario I would be interested in...
  5. Wishapup

    Spinosad products in Canada

    Looking for any Canadian equivalent to Elector PSP or similar spinosad-containing product.
  6. Wishapup

    Poultry Genetics Class

    Thank you! I'll take a look. This type of content would be the perfect basis for creating an online course, with some revision.
  7. Wishapup

    Poultry Genetics Class

    Is anyone aware of a good online poultry genetics class? If not, it seems like this is something that should be developed. There is a wealth of knowledge available that could be compiled into a single class or series of classes, ranging from basic genetic concepts to advanced material specific...
  8. Wishapup

    BYC's Software Conversion - Discussion & Information

    Could searching by "relevance" be the default search option rather than recency? Seems like it would be the most commonly needed of the two.
  9. Wishapup

    May Hatch-a-Long!

    Wow, that's great! I have exactly 33 viable eggs too. Only 2 chicks and 9 pips so far though.
  10. Wishapup

    Breed of these chicks?

    The dark ones look like possibly Black Australorps and Barred Rocks (white spot on the head). The brown chick looks like an EE.
  11. Wishapup

    May Hatch-a-Long!

    I'm glad you still have some Brahma eggs left! I got rid of 5/6 of my sabelpoot eggs a day ago, but the 6th egg is wiggling on day 19!
  12. Wishapup

    May Hatch-a-Long!

    So cute! Brings me back to 3 years ago when I tried hatching Silkies, partridge and white. All 7 were roosters :lol:
  13. Wishapup

    May Hatch-a-Long!

    For shipped eggs anything alive is good. My first batch of shipped eggs had air cells shaped like saddles that slipped up and down and around the eggs. 5 of 13 made it. The eggs I have currently though weren't shipped, so 1/6 is less than I expected! I hope you get a fluffy healthy partridge...
  14. Wishapup

    What type of chicken is this?

    That's an interesting barred rock :lol: I'd guess a blue OEGB.
  15. Wishapup

    Pullet or roo blue copper Maran

    Yes, it most certainly is a young cockerel :)
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